Jun 15, 1215
Magna Carta
The Magna Carta was a document that King John of England was forced into signing. This document greatly reduced the King's power and allowed for the formation of a parliment. The Magna Carta became the basis for English citizen's rights. -
During the reign of King James l, around 100 members of the English Separatist Church (men and women) set sail for America aboard the Mayflower. In late December they anchored at Plymouth Rock where the first permanent settlement of Europeans from New England would be formed. The survivors of the first harsh winter were able to secure peace treaties with Native American tribes and build a self-sufficient economy. -
The French and Indian War
The war was the result of a clash between the French and English colonies over colonial territory and wealth. It was the bloodiest war of the 18th century. It took more lives than the American Revolution. -
Declaration of Independence
This document was written by Thomas Jefferson. It became adopted by the 2nd Continental Congress. The Declaration of Independence states the reasons the British colonies of North America sought freedom from the rule of King George lll. -
American Revolution
This was was the result of increasing colonial unhappiness with British rule. During the revolution, American forces were constantly hindered by a lack of resources, but managed to win crucial victories. This lead to an alliance with France. Following the American victory at Yorktown, fighting ended and the war concluded with the Treaty of Paris. -
Constitutional Convention
55 delegates from 12 states met in Philadelphia in May 1787. These representatives were authorized to only "revise" the Articles of Confederation. The participants moved quickly to develop a new structure of government. -
War of 1812
Congress declared war on Britain June 18, 1812 due to the fact that the British were impressing U.S. sailors and agitating Native Americans on the western frontier. One of the key moments during the war was when Francis Scott Key wrote “The Star Spangled Banner” while watching the British bombardment of Fort McHenry. The War of 1812 ended in a stalemate when the Treaty of Ghent was signed on December 24, 1814 returning all territories taken by the two sides. -
Trail of Tears
The forced relocation of Cherokee Native Americans began when congress passed the Indian Removal Act. This group was harshly moved from Georgia all the way to Oklahoma by trail. Along the way nearly 4,000 Cherokee died of starvation, exposure, or disease. -
Mexican American War
A border dispute along the Rio Grande began the fighting and was followed by multiple U.S. victories. Mexico was unprepared military wise and politically divided during the war which lead to a great American success. When all was said and done, Mexico lost about one-third of its territory. -
Civil War
This gruesome, 4 year war began on April 21, 1861 when Confederate forces open fire on the Union-held Fort Sumter. This bloody war was being fought for the freedom of African American slaves, with the Union supporting equality for all. The Confederacy was finally defeated on April 9, 1865 when General Robert E. Lee surrendered at the total cost of 620,000 Union and Confederate dead.