Key events

  • John Locke Natural rights and social contract

    The natural rights were rights given to English men, and Locke turned them into universal rights of human mankind. The right to life liberty, the pursuit of happiness. The social contract is saying that the government gets its power from the people they govern, and the people have the right to alter or abolish government if they are not happy or if it is not in their best interest.
  • Lexington and Concord

    The first battles of the American revolution, between British troops and the minuteman. The British troops were going to concord to destroy the munitions that the Americans had. Minuteman were their for a peaceful protest, Minuteman fired, left 8 dead 10 wounded.
  • Second Continental Congress

    The second Continental Congress was made to decided whether or not to go to war, and they did. They also nominated George Washington as Commander in Cheif.
  • George Washington

    He was a leading force in the American Military and he was appointed to head of the militia after the colonist realized congress was ineffective, the First president.
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill was the place outside of Boston where one of the early battles in the American Revolution happened. The British failed 2 times at defeating the Colonist on Bread's Hill but got them the third time. The British one but the colonist inflicted serious harm and casualties upon British Troops. It showed them that they could beat the British
  • Olive Branch Petition

    The continental congress asking the king to prevent Parliament from issuing anymore acts, until they could get an agreement worked out.
  • French and English enlightenment

    What the Declaration of Independence was found upon, ideas took from the English and French and used in American colonies.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    The Declaration of Independence was largely on his part, and he put forth the idea of a new freedom, a birth of a new nation
  • Trenton

    In the early morning Washington crossed the Delaware river and attacked British troops and taking prisoner 900 soldiers
  • Princeton

    Washington attacked the British troops and regained their territory.
  • Saratoga

    After man failed attempts from the British soldiers on trying to gain supplies, they surrendered in Saratoga, New York with 6 general, 300 officers and 5,500 personnel
  • Valleyforge, Pennsalvanyia

    British general Howie took over Brandy wine Pennsylvanian which meant Washington and his troops has to flee. They spent Winter into Valley forge where they had t sell heir goods for British gold and silver, and ran sort or essential items like food, supplies, weapons etc. (1777-1778)
  • France(Treaty of Amity and Commerce, Treaty of Alliance)

    The Treaty o Amity & Commerce is the treaty between France that recognized America and agreed to give them trade concessions. The treaty of Alliance between the two countries agreed that neither would stop fighting until America gained independence and that neither would call a trues with Britain unless agreeing on it first.
  • Spain

    Spain entered the on the side of the French hoping to require land taken by Britain in the seven years war, but was not an alliance of the Americans
  • Cowpens

    The Americans finally defeated the British after having new militia and meeting up with British and fleeing several times.
  • Yorktown

    Cornwallis and his troops were trapped in Yorktown and surrendered his army of 8,000.
  • Treaty of Paris 1783

    The treaty of Paris acknowledge the freedom, independence, and sovereignty of the 13 colonies.