The treaty of versailles is signed and revolutions break throughout europe.
The treaty of versailles is signed and revolutions break throughout europe. -
The Bolsheviks win the Russian Civil War
Mussolini and his fascists take power in Italy.
Hitler attempts to seize power in Germany in the unsuccessful Munich Putsch.
The Nazis win only 3 per cent of votes in German elections.
The first Australian screening of a ‘talkie’ takes place.
The Great Depression begins.
Under the Melbourne Agreement, Australian government agrees to cut spending
Unemployment reaches its peak in the worst year of the Depression
Hitler and the Nazis gain power in Germany. Germany and japan leave the league of nations
Italy invades Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
The Spanish Civil War begins. Stalin begins purges of his opponents in the Communist Party and the military in the USSR.
Japan invades China.
Germany invades Poland and World War II begins.