Key Events 1913-2013

  • Russian Communist Revolution

    New countries created known as the union os soviet socialist rebublics
  • The Treaty of Versailles

  • Australias First Radio Broadcast

    Australias first radio broadcast takes place in sydney
  • Stanley Baldwin & Ramsay MacDonald swap prime ministership

    In the UK, Stanley Baldwin (a conservative) and Ramsay MacDonald (Labour Leader) swap the prime ministership several times.
  • Vladimir Lenin Dies

    Joseph stalin over power of USSR.
  • Talking Pictures Created and End of Silent Movies

    The jazz singer begins the era of 'talking pictures' and the end of silent movies.
  • Wall St Stock Market Crash & Beginning Of The Great Depression

    Wall street stock market crashed and it began the great depression
  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor Of Germany

    Hitler Becomes Chancellor Of Germany
  • Black Friday Bushfires

    Black friday bushfires in victoria killed 71 people and destroyed five towns.
  • World War 2 Begins

    World War 2 begins and then Germany invades poland