Britain & France declare war on Germany
Britan and france declaring war on germany meant the beginning of the war. -
Germany invades Poland
Germany invading poland was the first act of WWII. They used air and ground troops. -
Italy enters war
Operation Sea Lion
Operation sea lion was a german codeword for the invasion of britan. -
Churchill becomes Prime Minister of Britain
Evacuation of Dunkirk
The evacuation of Dunkirk was a horrible scene. The british line was surrendering onto beaches, while boats were trying to sail men out of there. German dive bombers were destroying a lot of boats and killing a lot of men. -
France signs armistice with Germany
Battle of Britain
The battle of britan was an air battle between british air forse and german air force. -
Tripartite Pact signed
Siege of Tobruk
Operation Barbarossa
Bombing of Pearl Harbor
Britain and US declare war on Japan
Japan takes Singapore
Battle of Midway
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First Battle of El Alamein
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Battle of Stalingrad
Period: to
Second Battle of El Alamein
D-Day Landings
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Battle of the Bulge
Hitler commits suicide
Mussolini captured and executed
German forces surrender
Nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima
Soviet Union declares war on Japan
Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki
Japan surrenders
Japan's surrender meant the end of the war.