Outer space stars


  • Dec 27, 1571

    Kepler is born

    Kepler is born
    Kepler is born in Weil der Stadt
  • wrote Mysterium Cosmographicum

    wrote Mysterium Cosmographicum
    Kepler writes the Mysterium Cosmographicum in defense of the Coppernican system
  • interest in Astronomy sparked

    interest in Astronomy sparked
    Kepler's interest in astronomy is sparked by the "Great Comet"
  • Tycho Brahe invites Kepler

    Tycho Brahe invites Kepler
    Tycho Brahe invites Kepler to be his assistant
  • Becomes Imperial Mathemetician

    Becomes Imperial Mathemetician
    Kepler takes over for Brahe as the Imperial Mathemetician of the Holy Roman Empire.
  • Kepler discovers 2nd law

    Kepler discovers 2nd law
    Kepoler discovers his second law of planetary motion; The radius vector of two orbits with a shared focus describe equal areas in equal times.
  • Kepler announces 1st law

    Kepler announces 1st law
    Kepler announces his first law of planetary motion; Planets move in eliipses with the Sun at one focus
  • Astronomia Nova published

    Astronomia Nova published
    Kepler publishes the Astronomia Nova detailing his first two laws
  • Kepler moves to Linz

    Kepler moves to Linz
    Kepler moves with his wife to Linz
  • Copernican system deemed heretical

    Copernican system deemed heretical
    Catholic church deems copernican system heretical leaving Kepler no haven during the thirty years war. Not even in death
  • Kepler discovers 3rd law

    Kepler discovers his third law of planetary motion; The squares of periodic times are equal to the average distance covered.
  • Harmonicies Mundi published

    Harmonicies Mundi published
    Kepler publishes his Harmonicies Mundi, detail his third and final law.
  • Epitome Astronomiae published

    Epitome Astronomiae published
    Kepler publishes his Epitome Astronomiae discussing heliocentric astronomy.
  • Kepler dies in Sagan

    Kepler dies in Sagan
    Kepler dies while collecting money in Sagan
  • Kepler mission announced

    Kepler mission announced
    NASA starts the Kepler mission, naming it after the influential astronomer