My Timeline of Goals

By s060922
  • My Birth

    I was born on November 16, 1999
  • My Sister's birth

    My younger sister, Merena, was born on July 23, 2003
  • I went to Preschool

    When I was 3/4 I started preschool at Wheaton Park District
  • I got my first dog

    I got a golden doodle puppy named Mia when I was 7.
  • Went to Disney World

    I went to Disney World in Orlando, Florida when I was in second grade.
  • Started at Edison Middle School

    In 2009, I was a 6th grader at Edison.
  • My First Job

    I started working at Northside Pool as a swim instructor the summer of 2014.
  • Started High School

    I started my first year at South on August 2014 as a freshman.
  • Score a 4 or 5 on my AP tests

    I want to score a 4 or 5 on my two AP classes this year. I want to get a 4 or 5 on my Government and English classes. I will achieve this by studying every night and doing my homework. On the weekends, I will meet with a group to learn the material together. Before the AP test, I will make sure to be prepared and get a good nights sleep. I will accomplish this before the tests in April/May 2017.
  • Graduation!

    One of my goals is to graduate a year early (2017). In order to achieve this goal, I need to take extra classes during the school year so I attain all of my credits.
  • Senior Trip

    Another goal I have is to go on a Senior trip with my best friend to New York. I would like to accomplish this goal before I graduate.
  • Get a Car

    I want to get a car sometime before 2020.
  • Take a Vacation with my Sisters

    One of my goals is to take a trip with my sisters to Ibiza. I would like to accomplish this goal by 2025, when my younger sister is out of college.