
Kenyan Independence

  • Formation of British East African Protectorate

    Formation of British East African Protectorate
    Kenya had been a German protectorate in 1885
    - Early struggle with foreign dominance
  • White settlers move into highlands

    White settlers move into highlands
    • Railway built from Mombasa to Lake Victoria against the will of local tribes
    • Inflow of Indian workers to build railway
    • African and Indian workers formed distinct Indian communities (ex.: Ismaili Muslim + Sikh communities)
    • Europeans became wealthy farming coffee and tea - Settlers introduced hut and poll taxes and took land, which led Africans to flee to cities and offer free labor
  • East African Protectorate becomes crown colony of Kenya

    East African Protectorate becomes crown colony of Kenya
    The area is now administered by a British governor.
  • KAU is formed

    KAU is formed
    • The Kenyan African Union (KAU) campaigns for African independence
    • First African appointment to legislative council
  • Jomo Kenyatta becomes KAU leader

    Jomo Kenyatta becomes KAU leader
  • Start of Mau Mau campaigns

    Start of Mau Mau campaigns
    • Secret Kikuyu guerrilla group known as Mau Mau begins violent campaign against white settlers
    • State of emergency declared
    • Kenyatta arrested
  • KAU is banned

    KAU is banned
    Kenyatta is charged with management of Mau Mau and jailed
  • Mau Mau rebellion put down

    Mau Mau rebellion put down
    Thousands killed - mainly Africans.
  • Kenyatta released from jail

    Kenyatta released from jail
    But he remains under house arrest.
  • State of emergency ends

    State of emergency ends
    • Britain announces plans to prepare Kenya for majority African rule. -- Kenya African national Union (KANU) formed by Tom Mboya and Oginga Odinga.
  • Kenyatta assumes presidency of KANU

    Kenyatta assumes presidency of KANU
    Kenyatta ia finally freed.
  • Kenya gains independence

    Kenya gains independence
    Kenyatta becomes prime minister.
  • Republic of Kenya formed

    Republic of Kenya formed
    Kenyatta becomes president and Odinga vice-president.