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Summary of revolutionary war

Kennedy's Revolutionary War Timeline

  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    Known as "the shot heard around the world!" British won at Lexington, the Patriots chased them back to Concord which results in a victory there for the colonists.
  • Period: to


  • Capture of Fort Ticonderoga

    Patriot victory! Lead by Benidect Arnold, Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys.
  • Second Contenential Congress meets

    Colonial delegates meet again in Philidelphia again in Philadelphia. Congress votes to create a contenential army and appoint George Washington as commander.
  • George Washington named commander-in-chief

    George Washington named commander-in-chief
    George Washington was named commander-in-chief of the Continental Army at the second Continental congress.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    British is victourious but suffer over 1000 casualities. The patriots were low on amuntion and were ordered not to shoot until you see the whites of their eyes. This worked and gave Americans a confidence boost, telling the British to wathc out!
  • American Defeat at Quebec

    American forces under generals Richard Montgomery and Benidect Arnold attack the city of Quebec in a failed attempt to drive British forces from the province. They wanted to enlist Candian support for America.
  • British evacuate Boston

    British General William Howe chooses to evacuate to eliminate the risk of another frontal assualt on enemy entrench.
  • Decleration of Independence issued

    Delegates of the Second Continential Congress vote to end political ties with Britian. The Decleration of Independence marks the birth date of the USA.
  • Battle of Long Island

    British forces attack the Continential army at Long Island. This leads to a series of American losses. British forces then occupy New York until Novermber 1783.
  • British occupy New York City

    After the Continential Army's loss of the Battle of Long Island the british forces occupied New York until 1783. The British forces had lost control of Boston and thought New York, full of Loyalists, may help them.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    General Washington lead the Continental Army across the deleware to suprise and eliminate the Hessian army at Trenton, NJ. It was an overwhelming victory!
  • Battle of Brandywine

    The British won the largest battle of the American Revolution. Washington's army was driven from the field, and General Howe's force occupies Philadelphia two weeks later.
  • British occupy Philadelphia

    The British marched into Philadelphia. The capitol was abandoned by the Patriots in anticipation for their arrival. The Patriots forts were taken by the British. But when the French alliance was announced the British flead Philadelphia in fear of an attack from the French aramada.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    The British strategy of trying to seperate New England from the rest of the rebelling colonies fails at Saratoga. British General Burgoyne surrenders which influences France's decision to declare war on Great Britian.
  • Articles of Confederation adopted

    Articles of Confederation adopted
    The Articles of Confederration was the first constitution of the United States. They provided only a loose federation of American states.Congress was a single house with each state having one vote. A president was elecrted to chair the assembly. On March 2, 1781, after getting approval from all 13 states, the Articles of Conferderation became the law of the land!
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    Washington's disheveled forces arrive at Valley Forge where they are drilled and trained. They remain in Winter quarters for six months. Many deserted the army at this time becasue of the harsh conditions such as lack of food, blankets, shelter, and medicine.
  • Alliance with France

    Represenatves of the Continential Congress and the French government sign a treaty of alliance that pledges mutual support in the struggle against Britian.
  • Battle of Monmouth and Courthouse

    British and American forces clash in New Jersey before the major operations move to the south. The training at Valley Forge payed off for the Patriots even though neither the Americans nor the British won this battle.
  • Fall of Savannah

    Britian regarded the south as crucial for subduing the war. British easliy captured Savannah. The Patriots tried to take Savannah back but failed.
  • Spain enters the war

    Spain enters the war
    Spain doesn't make a formal alliance with the US but joins France in naval and land operations against Britian which helps the Coninetal army in weakening British forces.
  • Siege of Charleston

    British commander Sir Henry Clinton develops a "southern strategy" to tap loyalists mainpower and restore control in this region. The Patriots surrneder at Charleston is the casue of an upsetting partisan war across much of the south.
  • Benedict Arnold's treason discovered

    Benedict Arnold's treason discovered
    Benedict Arnold's treason is discovered by 3 young Patriots who were suspicious of a passerby who turned out to be a British spy, John Andre. The three men were put in the hall of fame of American Heroes of the Revolution.
  • French and British battle in Chesapeake Bay

    French and British battle in Chesapeake Bay
    This battle was a crucial naval battle in the war. The battle was a major defeat for the British, it prevented the Royal navy from reinforcing or evacuating the blockade forces of General Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia, and it prevented interference with the transport of French and Continential army troops.
  • Siege of Yorktown

    Siege of Yorktown
    British General Cornwallis established a base at Yorktown, Virginia to rest his tired army, but finds himself trapped and sieged by American and French forces. A French fleet defeats the Royal navy force at the mouth of Chesapeake Bay.
  • Cornwallis surrenders

    Cornwallis surrenders
    Cornwallis had no choice but to surrender when surrounded by French and American troops. The two sides signed the formal agreement of the British surrender which meant the end of fighting and the beginning of American Idependence.