Year I was Born.
Fiirst Horse on Valentines day. Her name was Valentine.
Parents got Divorced.
Started T-ball. Oskaloosa Foods Dragons!
The year I met Taylor Freakn Boyle!
Twin Towers were attcaked.
I broke my arm jumping out of a swing.
First plane ride to Arizona!
My best friend moved away.
First Year in Middle School.
Emma got married and I was a bridesmaid.
I started pitching and catching practices in the morning.. 6:30 AM.
I was on Varsity for softball as an 8th grader.
I started highschool.
I buy my first dog.
Spring Break! I Flew back by myself in Arizona, got stuck in Chicago and then finally got home.
I'm going to Truman!
Get my first job as a history teacher.
I get married.
First chld is born, Jake.
Second Child, a girl named Charle.
We adopt a baby girl from Africa, Dalila.