Attack on 9/11
My mom was pregnant with me while she was outside in the yard when it happened. My grandma was watching my sister and ran outside. She told my mom to come in and see the news. -
I was born.
Busted my chin open
In kindergarten, I was riding a scooter board. I had too much weight on the front end so I fell forward and hit my chin on the gym floor. There was blood everywhere and I had to get my chin glued together. I still have the scar! -
Iphone was realeased.
First Communion
Obama is elected president.
Period: to
Rode the bus
3rd - 7th grade! -
Period: to
Criminal Minds Fans
I started watching with my babysitter and I still watch it. I am currently rewatching all 299 episodes! -
Got my dog, Winnie on Christmas morning
I got an Iphone
Busted my eyebrow open
I was late to class after P.E. so i ran out of the locker room. The strap from my bag caught the door knob and launched me backwards and then forwards. I bashed my head against the door very hard and bled everywhere. I had to get it glued and still have the scar and 1/4 of my eyebrow missing! -
Got confirmed, graduated 8th grade, and started GCHS
Trump is elected president.
Grandpa Adams died
Mexico vacation
First March for Life in Washington, D.C.
Total Eclipse
Second March for Life in Washington, D.C.