Keira Killeen- American Revolution Battles

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    American Revolution Battles

    American Revolution Battles
  • The Battles of Lexington and Concord

    The Battles of Lexington and Concord
    This battle was fought in Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts and it was the battle that began the Revolutionary War. The Americans were trying to reclaim weapons that were being stored in Concord. The Americans won with 49 losses, while the British had 73
  • The Siege of Fort Ticonderoga

    The Siege of Fort Ticonderoga
    This battle was fought at Fort Ticonderoga in New York. Under the command of Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold, less than one hundred America soldiers attacked the British at Fort Ticonderoga. This victory provided the Americans with much needed supplies for the first year of war.
  • The Battle of Chelsea Creek

    The Battle of Chelsea Creek
    This battle was fought in Suffolk county, Massachusetts. The Americans won this battle and it was the first naval engagement of the Revolutionary War. It also provided them with artillery for the battle of Bunker Hill
  • The Battle of Bunker (Breeds) Hill

    The Battle of Bunker (Breeds) Hill
    This battle took place in Charlestown, Massachusetts. The British won this battle, but it gave the colonies a confidence boost because it inflicted significant losses upon them.
  • The Battle of Quebec

    The Battle of Quebec
    This battle was fought at Quebec City in the Province of Quebec. The British won this battle and it inflicted heavy losses upon the Colonies. It was the first major defeat of the Revolutionary War.
  • The Battle of Long Island

    The Battle of Long Island
    This battle took place in Long Island, New York. This was the first battle to take place after the US declared their independence. Britain's plan for this battle was to take control of New York to cut off New England from the rest of the colonies. It resulted in a British victory.
  • The Battle of White Plains

    The Battle of White Plains
    This Battle took place in White Plains, New York. It resulted in a British victory. During this battle, the British were attempting to cut off Washington's escape route.
  • The Battle of Fort Washington

    The Battle of Fort Washington
    This Battle took place in Washington Heights, Manhattan, New York. It resulted in the surrender of the garrison of Fort Washington and a British victory.
  • The Battle of Trenton

    The Battle of Trenton
    This battle took place in Trenton, New Jersey. It resulted in the capture of nearly two thirds of the Hessian force with nearly no losses to the American forces. After General George Washington crossed the Delaware river with his troops, he led them against the Hessians, who were not expecting them.
  • The Battle of Princeton

    The Battle of Princeton
    This battle took place in Princeton, New Jersey. After defeating the British at the battle of Trenton, Washington crossed the Delaware river back into New Jersey where he fought and defeated another British force. This battle, along with thee Battle of Trenton served as huge morale boosters for the Americans
  • The Battle of Oriskany

    The Battle of Oriskany
    This battle took place in Oriskany, New York. American troops were trying to reclaim Fort Stanwix when they were ambushed by a group of loyalists and Indian tribes, primarily Iroquois.
  • The Battle of Bennington

    The Battle of Bennington
    This battle was fought in Bennington, New York. A group of 2,000 rebel militiamen defeated a group of about 1450 British soldiers. This battle is sometimes considered the turning point of the Revolutionary War.
  • The Battle of Brandywine

    The Battle of Brandywine
    This battle was fought near Chaddis For, Pennsylvania. It was fought between the Continental Army and the Redcoats. The Redcoats defeated the Americans and forced them to retreat towards Philadelphia. This battle was fought with more troops than any other battle of the war.
  • The Battle of Saratoga (Freeman's Farm)

    The Battle of Saratoga (Freeman's Farm)
    This battle was fought in Saratoga County, New York. General Burgoyne was attempting to cut off New England with the rest of the colonies. He won the battle of Freeman's farm, but resulted in significant casualties.
  • The Battle of Germantown

    The Battle of Germantown
    This battle took place in Germantown, Pennsylvania. Washington tried to attach British forces from four sides at once. This was a large defeat for Washington, with about 1,000 Americans were either killed, injured or missing, and only 500 redcoats.
  • The Battle of Saratoga (Bemis Heights)

    The Battle of Saratoga (Bemis Heights)
    This battle was fought in Saratoga County, New York. The colonies won this battle, inflicting heavy losses on Burgoyne's men. As a result of this victory, France decided to give military assistance to the colonies.
  • The Battle of Monmouth

    The Battle of Monmouth
    This battle was fought in Monmouth, New Jersey. George Washington and his men attacked the British army as they left Monmouth Courthouse. It was considered to have ended in a draw.
  • The Capture of Savannah

    The Capture of Savannah
    This battle was fought in Savannah, Georgia. This battle resulted in a British victory. The British were attempting to invade the city in their plan to regain control over the southern states.
  • The Siege of Charleston

    The Siege of Charleston
    This battle was fought in Charleston, South Carolina. This battle lasted from March 29 to May 12, 1780. The British were focusing on regaining control over the Southern Colonies. General Benjamin Lincoln surrendered to the British after about six weeks of fighting.
  • The Battle of Camden

    The Battle of Camden
    This battle took place North of Camden, South Carolina. This battle was a major victory for the British. The forces of Lieutenant General Charles defeated the American forces of Major General Horatio Gates, which strengthened the British control of the Southern States.
  • The Battle of King's Mountain

    The Battle of King's Mountain
    This battle took place Near Blackburn, SC and King's Mountain, NC. The troops of the patriots defeated the troops of the loyalists under British Major Patrick Ferguson
  • The Battle of Cowpens

    The Battle of Cowpens
    This battle took place in Cowpens, South Carolina. The American Troops were commanded by Brigadier General Daniel Morgan and the British were commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleson. It was a large turning point in the campaign of the south.
  • The Battle of Guilford Courthouse

    The Battle of Guilford Courthouse
    This battle took place at the Guilford Courthouse, North Carolina. The British won this battle, but suffered significant losses. This battle caused General Cornwallis to abandon his campaign to take control over the Carolinas.
  • The Battle of Eutaw Springs

    The Battle of Eutaw Springs
    This battle took place near present-day Eutawville, This was the last major battle over control of the Carolinas. Nathaniel Greene was trying to prevent Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Stewart from joining Lord Cornwallis's men in their retreat
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    The Battle of Yorktown
    This battle was located in Yorktown, Virginia. General George Washington commanded 17,000 troops against 9,000 of Charles Cornwallis's troops. The patriots claimed victory, which ended fighting in the American Colonies.