
Kehlani Raine

By itssjo6
  • Newborn

    Baby Kehlani has arrived to this world! She is a healthy baby girl, and she weighs 6.8 lbs and she measures 18.7 in. Kehlani's reflexes are normally developing; she is frightened by loud noises, and she is beginning to use a pacifier.
  • 2 Months Old

    2 Months Old
    Kehlani is now beginning to hold up her head on her own. She is also starting to sit up more by herself. Her motor skills are coming along fine, and she is still developing normally as any child should. When I lay her to sleep at night, I make sure she lies on her back and not her stomach, so that will prevent SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).
    2 Months Old Development
  • 8 Months Old

    8 Months Old
    Today, Kehlani clung onto the sofa, pulled herself up, let go, and stood up by herself! She is developing into a healthy baby normally, nothing seems out of sorts. Kehlani is developing a love for toys. Her favorite toy to play with is her ball pit we bought for her. She enjoys sitting in the pit and throwing the balls around, she giggles after she releases the ball, and it is too cute.
    Toys for 8 Month Old
  • 1 Year Old

    1 Year Old
    A week ago, Kehlani turned 1! She smiles and babbles nonstop now, so I thought it would be a perfect time to start reading books to her. Her favorite right now is "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". She is still in her sensorimotor stage, so everything manages to find its way to her mouth. She weighs about 17 lbs and measures 30.8 inches.
    Books for 0-2 Year Olds
  • 2 Years Old

    2 Years Old
    Kehlani is playing with blocks and stacking them on top of one another, and she enjoys nursery rhymes put to music. She is starting to talk in complete sentences such as "bye bye" "all gone" "tank you" "yes and no". Eating is one of her favorite things to do, she gets it all over her face and table; you could only imagine what spaghetti night is like. Not to mention, potty training is beginning, haha.
  • 4 Years Old

    4 Years Old
    Today is the day of Kehlani's first tee-ball game! I wanted to use this as an opportunity to enhance some of her gross motor skills like holding a heavy object, running, and attempting to catch a ball. Maybe if she enjoys it enough, she will follow in my footsteps and become a softball player. Also, I wanted Kehlani to get some social interaction with other kids because at this age, it is vital they create relationships with new "friends". I am super ready to see her play; she will do great!
  • A Bracelet Epidemic. . .

    A Bracelet Epidemic. . .
    Today I have decided to let Kehlani tag along with me while I went shopping in the mall. I made sure she understood the words that I said, "Do not take anything without me buying it." She nodded her head, meaning she understood. Walking into American Eagle, I looked at the shirts, pants, belts, and finally jewelry. I paid for the few items I had and walking out, the buzzer went off at the front door. The workers questioned and I asked Kehlani if she took anything. Looking at the oversized. . .
  • A Braclet Epidemic. . . (continued)

    A Braclet Epidemic. . . (continued)
    . . .braclet on her wrist, she shook her head. Of course we were to believe that my precious 4 year old daughter, Kehlani Raine, would never have taken a shiny, silver braclet from American Eagle without my permission. I believe we need to work more on Kolhberg's Moral stages.
  • 9 Years Old

    9 Years Old
    Kehlani has made it halfway through her 3rd grade year. She is developing well cognitively, and both fine and gross motor skills are perfectly in tact. Along with playing softball, now, she has picked up interests for gymnastics, cheer, soccer, and singing. She truly does remind me of when I was her age. At this point, Erikson's Industry vs Inferiority is vital, so I make sure to encourage her to do what she wants to -- within reason. She is becoming a beautiful blonde headed child. :)
  • 13 Years Old

    13 Years Old
    Kehlani has brought home straight A's since the beginning of her junior high year of 7th grade. After a day of school, she was taught at a career fair -if you may call it- that there were so many occupations she could go in to. She has been questioning me, "Who am I?" "Do I fit in with this group?" "Am I cut out for the smart people?" "Or am I the 'dumb' jock?" I told her, don't worry, you will know who you are one day, just make good friends, strive for good grades, and be the athlete you are.
  • 16 Years Old

    16 Years Old
    Kehlani has recently gotten her license. While she is at school today, I am going to bring home her new car. I can't wait to see the look on her face. Kehlani has made straight A's since her junior high years. Seeing her care about her grades makes me so happy. She is looking at colleges right now, and she wants to become a psychologist; she enjoys thinking about how the human mind functions. She has always wanted to be a singer but I'll let that be her personal fable.