Keegan Wills P.7 Religion Quiz

  • 3000 BCE

    Hinduism Part 1

    Hinduism Part 1
    1: The most dominant place where Hinduism is practiced is in India. 2: About 15% of the world today practices Hinduism. This is the 3rd most popular. 3: The religious holy scripture is called The Vedas. 4: Their religious holy symbol is called Aum or Om.
  • 3000 BCE

    Hinduism Part 2: A

    Hinduism Part 2: A
    1: For Hindus, a sacred holy location is the Masjid Al-Haram which holds the Kaaba, believed by Hindu culture to be the first ever mosque. 2: The Hindus are peaceful people and believe in the concept that humans are not limited to their body and mind. 3: The Hindus celebrate the holidays of Diwali, a light festival, and Holi, which is a festival of colors.
  • 3000 BCE

    Hinduism Part 2: B

    Hinduism Part 2: B
    4: A conflict that the Hindus faced was the Partition of India. The Hindus forced the Muslims out of India into Pakistan. 1 million people died and about 14-18 million moved.
  • 1900 BCE

    Judaism Part 2: B

    Judaism Part 2: B
    4: There are many conflicts, but one is WW2 when Adolf Hitler, the leader of Germany, decided that he only wanted people who were blond haired and blue eyed. He also thought the Jews were bad so he sent them to camps where they were treated very poorly. This was during the years 1939 - 1945. After this was over, the Jews were freed.
  • 1900 BCE

    Judaism Part 1

    Judaism Part 1
    1: Judaism is mostly practiced in the U.S. and Isrial. Some of the most dominant cities/countries are Jerusalem, Hebron, Tiberius, and Safed. 2: Around 0.2% of the world today practices Judaism. This is the smallest out of all five religions by a landslide. 3: The holy book is known as Hebrew Bible. 4: The religious symbol is the Star of David.
  • 1900 BCE

    Judaism Part 2: A

    Judaism Part 2: A
    1: A sacred and holy location to those who practice Judaism is the Dome of the Rock and West Church Wall of Holy. These are sacred because the Dome of the Rock is known by Jews to be the place of creation. 2: The people of the Jewish religion believe in yom kipper, where they ask for forgiveness and they go to synagogues to pray. 3: The Jews practice the holidays of Bat or Bar Mitzvah where they celebrate the children coming of age. They also celebrate Hanukkah.
  • 600 BCE

    Buddhism Part 1: B

    Buddhism Part 1: B
    4) The religious symbol of Buddhism is Dharmachakra, which is also known as, 'The Wheel of the Law.'
  • 600 BCE

    Buddhism - Part 1: A

    Buddhism - Part 1: A
    1) Buddhism is mostly practiced in Asian Countries. Some of the most common countries are Sri-lanka and Myanmar. 2) In today's world, 7% of the world's population practices Buddhism. Which is the 2nd least-common religion in the world. 3) Buddhism's holy scripture/book is the Tripitaka, also known as 'The Three Baskets.' The Tripitaka are books about Buddha's Teachings. The Buddhists also follow the four noble truths. These are about suffering, reaching enlightenment and Nirvana.
  • 600 BCE

    Buddhism Part 2: A

    Buddhism Part 2: A
    1: For the religion of Buddhism, some sacred holy places are Lumbini, this is the place where Siddhartha Gautama was born. There is also Bodh Gaya, which was the place where Siddhartha became enlightened, becoming the Buddha. Another place is Sarnath, the place where Buddha had his first sirnam. The last place is Kushingar, which is Buddha's resting place. Many people who follow the Buddhist religion will go on pilgrimages to these places.
  • 600 BCE

    Buddhism Part 2: D

    Buddhism Part 2: D
    4: One conflict that the Buddhist people were a part of was the Rohingya Genocide. The Rohingya Genocide was when the people of Myanmar, the Buddhists, didn't like the Rohingya people who were Muslims. This resulted in the destruction of villages and many people who died. Houses were burnt to the core and many things were left completely destroyed.
  • 600 BCE

    Buddhism Part 2: C

    Buddhism Part 2: C
    3: One of the most celebrated and most important holidays is Vesak, which is a celebration of Buddha's Birthday. The Buddhists hold festivities such as parades and a lantern lighting festival where they release lanterns in the sky as a way to show reaching enlightenment.
  • 600 BCE

    Buddhism Part 2: B

    Buddhism Part 2: B
    2: In the Buddhist religion, the followers believe in meditation and peace for their people. Some of the most prominent followers become Monks and dedicate their life to enlightenment and the Buddha. Many people also give offerings in temples for the Buddha. The Buddhists also follow the four noble truths and their scripture, the Tripitaka, which are books about Buddha's teachings.
  • 1 CE

    Christianity Part 1

    Christianity Part 1
    1: The religion of Christianity is mostly dominant all across North and South Africa, Europe, and Parts of Asia. 2: About 32% of today's population practices the religion of Christianity. This is the most popular religion across the globe. 3: The holy book is known as the Bible. 4: The religious symbol is called the Cross.
  • 1 CE

    Christianity Part 2: A

    Christianity Part 2: A
    1: Sacred holy locations for Christians include Jerusalem, which is known as their holy land, and The Vatican City, which is where the pope lives. The Pope is a Christian leader. 2: Christians believe in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. They believe in Heaven and that God/Jesus will guide them through life. 3: Major holidays of Christianity include Christmas, Easter, Good Friday, Palm Sunday, and Advent.
  • 1 CE

    Christianity Part 2: B

    Christianity Part 2: B
    4: A Christian conflict is the Crusades which is when there were 8 groups (the crusades) that fought over religion. There were also intersecting territories.
  • 620

    Islam Part 1

    Islam Part 1
    1: The Islamic religion is most dominant in North Africa and West Asia. The country that has the largest Muslim community is Indonesia. 2: In today's world, about 23% of the population practices Islam. This is around 1.2 billion people. 3: The religious/holy book is the Qu'ran, but they also follow the 10 commandments and the Five Pillars of Islam. 4:The religious symbol for Islam is called the crescent moon and star.
  • 620

    Islam Part 2

    Islam Part 2
    1: A sacred holy location for Muslims is the Masjid Al-Haram is Meca. This is where the Kaaba is located, which according to Islam faith is the first mosque ever. 2: The Muslims believe in women wearing Hijabs and praying together. 3: Muslims fast and they celebrate the holiday of Ramadan. 4: A conflict that the Muslims faced was the Partition of India. The Muslims were forced out of India by the Hindus and went to live in Pakistan. 1 million people died and 14-18 million moved.