Ke'ra Timeline

  • A Star was Born

    Being born on November 6th, 2004, My name was Kira Craig, but the doctors decided to change it to Ke'ra Craig.
  • My first fight.

    Around the fall of 2012, I had my first fight. the fight was over a pack of baby carrots. I wanted my carrots so severely that when he stole my carrots I hit him and started to attack him. Ah yes, fun times.
  • My First Hard Hitting Death

    On November 12th, 2015 I had the first ever hard-hitting death in my family. my stepmom died from sickle cells 6 days after my birth and on her 2nd daughter's birthday. it was such a tough day I didn't know what to do. it was also the day my mental health started getting bad.
  • Covid TT

    On March 11th, 2020 the covid pandemic started. It was a tough time for all of us and it ruined all the plans and meeting with family as well. starting online learning was very complicated and we had to make sure the internet in our households was good so we can join classes.
  • My sweet 16 birthday

    I turned 16, on November 6th, 2020, all my plans I wanted to do for it got ruined by the pandemic but I was still able to celebrate it even if it wasn't the big party and travel plans.
  • My first Boyfriend

    I started dating my best friend in October and people say it's funny and our relationship is like a book. we met in the 8th grade. I had a crush on him 3 times yet he rejected me. after the pandemic we connected more to the point we had to talk every day. I asked him out of course. people wanted us to get together for the longest even my mom. Now I feel I wouldn't change anything about our relationship.
  • My first job

    I got my first job on September 25th at old navy. it was a nice experience now I need another one because they don't give me enough days and hours.
  • First paid bills

    I was able to buy my own phone and pay my bills on October 8th, 2022, it felt easy but it was also hard to remember so now I set reminders so I can pay on time. I also opened my first bank account when I turned 18.
  • First school event

    I hosted my first school event on November 18th. it was a card tournament for people to join and compete in card games it was a very successful first event.
  • College accpeatances.

    I found out that I have gotten around 4 college acceptance letters so far. It was a lot to comprehend and I was very happy.