i was born at cushing regional hospital
I was suppose to be born june 11. My mom's doctor appointment to check on me was the 13. When doctor was checking on my mom, it turn out that when my mom had an attaction my heart-rate was droping.The doctor didnt want to take a change so my mom was taking to a emercency C-section. -
my first baby picture
My first baby picture was very imporant to my dad because he alwaays want to remember his baby girl as a baby. My grandma wanted to have one too because i was her first granddaughter.She always wanted a daughter. -
my brother colt was born at cushing regional hospital
Colt was born a month earily, but he had to get an emercency C-section.The coolest thing about my brother was that he was born a month after my birth month. -
my brother bret was born in cushing regional hospital
Bret was born right on time but he got stuck like my brother Colt and me.My mom got her wish.Her wish was that she want three kids, and wanted our birthdays in a row. -
the first time i play my favorite sport
when i was 3 i started playing sports. My teacher gave us a piece of paper that we need our parent's siganure to play soccor. When i first got on the feild we try some drulls and we ran alot but i kept pushing no matter how trier i was. I had the will to never give up. our first game was the greatest day ever, we played hard and i score my first goal and i fell in love with the sport of soccor. -
the first time i compete national american miss pagent
It was a normal day until i got a package from tulsa to be in national american miss pagent. they said that i was qualify to compete. i was so surprise that i had every thing that was needed to compete. i didnt win,but i did made new friend and had the confidence to do anything. -
first time i went to disney world in orlando florida
when i was little i dream to go to disney world. my mom was going to take a trip to carolina with my grandma and my aunt. my grandma had to take my grandpa to the hospital so she took me to florida and i had so much fun getting to see the castle and i got to see mickey. -
i went to nationals for my sculpture for church
every year my church would go to competion for our talent. i made an cross with a bird on the arm and an robe around the neck. the theme was act 1:8. i got pass districts and state.then i had to go to national in oklahoma city. it was a three day competion. i didnt win national but i they like my sculpture that they put it in there college display. -
i want to go to osu college
after i graduate high school i hope to go to osu college to study animals and science and art. -
i want to start my career as a horse trainer
after college i want to start my own bussiness as a horse trainer. if that dont work then i want to be an artist.