Kaylea's Timeline

  • Born In Hutchinson

    -parents are Cindy & Jeremy Adcock
    -born in the Hutchinson Hospital
    -a younger brother and sister
  • Facebook

    The social networking website Facebook was launched.
  • Oil Prices

    Oil prices in the United States hit a record $147 per barrel, causing less money to go towards other stuff in our life.
  • President Elected

    Barack Obama was elected as the first African American President. An Election to remember.
  • Michael Jackson

    Michael Jackson died. My dad and I like listening to some of his songs. My favorite song is Man in the Mirror.
  • Woman Rights

    The United States Navy lifted its ban on women in submarines.
  • Period: to

    Tornado Outbreak

    The largest tornado outbreak ever in United States history occured in the American Midwest and Southern United States killing 348 People and causing 11 Billion Dollars in Damage.
  • 45th President

    Donald Trump was elected president.