First Steps
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Piagets Theory
Period: to
Piaget Sensorimotor Stage
This stage occurs from birth to 2 years old. At this stage the infant begins to experiance the world through different actions and begin to devlop different senses. -
Period: to
Freud Oral Stage
This stage occurs between birth-1 1/2 years old. The infants pleasure centers on the mouth. -
Period: to
Period: to
Erikson Trust vs. Mistrust
This occurs between birth and 1 1/2 years old. Children begin to develop a sense of trust with their caregivers due to affection, care, and reliability. When these are not met the child develops a sense of mistrust. -
First Words
First Teeth
Period: to
Freud Anal Stage
This stage happens between the ages of 1 1/2- 3 years old. At this stage the child’s pleasure focuses on the anus. -
Period: to
Erikson Autonomy vs. Shame
This stage occurs between the ages of 1 1/2 and 3 years old. Children are developing a sense of personal control over physical skills and also a sense of independence. Failure of this leads to doubt and shame. -
Started Preschool
Brenna was born
Period: to
Piaget Preoperational Stage
This stage happens between the ages of 2-7. At this point the child is beginning to use language and classify objects with words. Egocentrinism begins to develop. -
First Friend
First Play Date
Period: to
Erikson Initiative vs. Guilt
This stage begins between 3-5 years old. During this stage children begin to develop control over the enviroment, success in this leads to a sense of purpose. Failure of this leads to a sense of guilt. -
Period: to
Freud Phallic Stage
This stage occurs between the ages of 3-6. The childs pleasure focuses on the genitals. -
Start Elementry School
Parents got Divorced
Started Kindergarten
Period: to
Erikson Industry vs. Inferiority
This stage begins between the ages of 5-12. Children begin to cope with new social situations. Failure at this leads to inferiority. -
Period: to
My Dad met my Stepmom
Learn to read+write
Period: to
Freud Latency Stage
This stage happens between the age of 6-puberty. The child represses sexual interest and develops social and intellectual skills. -
Started Hockey
Period: to
Piaget Concrete Operational Stage
This stage occurs between the ages of 7-11. During this stage the child begins to develop logical thinking and begins to understand time, space, and quantity. -
Period: to
Hannah was born
Got my first phone
Period: to
Piaget Formal Operational Stage
This stage occurs from 11 years onwards. The child begins to think logically. They are able to stratigize and plan. -
Started Middle School
Caitlynn was born
Period: to
Erikson Ego Identity vs. Role Confusion
This stage happens between the ages of 12-18. The child begins to develop a sense of self identity. Failure leads to low self esteem. -
First Crush
Started High School
First “Real” Boyfriend
Period: to
Period: to
Freud Genital Stage
This stage occurs anytime after puberty. At this a time of sexual reawakening occurs. A source of sexual pleasure becomes someone outside of the family. -
Nanny Died
Papa Died
Got my license
Daniel Was Born
First Car
Scored Campionship Game Winning Goal in Hockey
Started at University of Massachusetts Boston
Went to Prom
Graduated High School
Bought my First Car
Period: to
Erikson Intamacy vs. Isolation
This stage happens between the ages of 18-40. During this stage one begins to develop intimate relationships with others. Failure to do this leads to isolation. -
First Break-Up
Left University of Massachusetts Boston
Started at Laboure College
Period: to
Graduate Nursing School
Get a Job @ Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Buy a Jeep Grand Cherokee
Get a puppy
Get enganged
Buy a house
Period: to
Get married
Have First Baby Boy
Have Second Baby Boy
Period: to
Have Baby Girl
Go back to School (Nurse Practioner)
Graduate NP school
First Child Starts Kindergarten
Buy Cape House
Build/Design own house
Move into New House
Second Child Starts Kindergarten
Mom Dies
Period: to
Third Child Starts Kindergarten
Have 40th Birthday Party
Start Own NP Practice
Period: to
Period: to
Erikson Generativity vs. Stagnation
This stage occurs between the ages of 40-65. At this point one begins to have children so that they can nurture something that will outlast them. Failure results in isolation from the world. -
Take Family Vacation To Bahamas
Period: to
First Child Graduates High School
Send First Child Off To College
Second Child Graduates High School
Send Second Child To Navy
Third Child Graduates High School
Send Thrid Child To College
Period: to
Sell House
Buy Smaller House
First Child Gets Married
First Grand Child Is Born
Period: to
Second Child Get Married
Second Grand Child Is Born
Period: to
Third Grand Child Is Born
Third Child Gets Married
Travel To Italy
Period: to
Erikson Ego Integrity vs. Dispair
This stage happens from 65 onwards. At this point one begins to look back on their life and see all that they have accomplished. Failure in this leads to a sense of regret. -
Period: to
Travel To Greece
Get A Knee Replacment
Recover From Knee Surgery
Period: to
Husband Dies