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Kayla Nunes Revolutionary War Timeline

  • The French had started secretely sending weapons to the Patriots.

  • British retreat from Boston to Middle states- Theatre of war.

  • General William Howe and brother Admiral Richard Howe sailed to NY harbor from Staten Island- 32,000 largest British expeditionary force-American called them Messians.

  • Americans retreat to NY after heavy lost

  • Washington and 2,400 men rowboat across the Delaware river

  • Soldiers march 9 miles to Trenton, NJ

  • Soldier terms of enlistment due to end

  • Americans win at Trenton, NJ

    Americans win at Trenton, NJ
  • British General Howe began campain to capture American capital at Philadelphia

  • General Howe and troops land near capital

  • British General Jon Burgoyne surrendered to American General Horatio Gates' army

  • Valley Forge outside of Philly served as the site of the Continental Army

  • French signed alliance with Patriots saying they will not make peace with Britain until Britain recognized Americans independence

  • British changed there strategy, shifted operations to the South. Hoped to rally the remaining Loyalits, reclaim colonies and fight their way back to the North

  • British overtook Savannah and Georgia

  • Freidrich Von Steuben offered and went to work on training the soldiers

  • Royal Governor commanded Georgia once again

  • Marquis de Lafayette joined Washington's staff led, Virginia's command, lobbied for French reinforcements

  • General Henry Clinton along with General Charles Cornwallis sailed South with 8,500 men

  • British captured Charles Town, South Carolina. Took 5,500 American as Prisoners of War. Clinton left Cornwallis to win over North Carolina and the rest of South Carolina

  • As redcoats came they were joined by former slaves of Patriots that were looking for freedom

  • Cornwallis' army beat Americans at Camden, South Carolina and within 3 months British had established forts across state. Cornwallis' forces advanced into Nort Carolina, Patriots attacked them and cut off British communication. Pushed redcoats to retreat.

  • British and Americans faced eachother in Cowpen, South Carolina. Continental Army made redcoats flee.

  • Nathanel Greene was worried about the South and the British. He wrote a letter to Lafayette asking for help.

  • Congress appointed a rich Philadelphia merchant, Robert Morris as superintendent of finance

  • Due to Morris and Salmon (his associate) the troops were finally paid

  • Cornwallis raised the white flag in surrender.

    Cornwallis raised the white flag in surrender.
  • Washington, French generals and their troops accepted British surrender.

  • Representatives of four nations joined the negotiaion over independence

  • Delegates signed treaty of Paris, confirmed that the U.S was independent.

    Delegates signed treaty of Paris, confirmed that the U.S was independent.