Wwii plane image

Katie Hill World War Two Timeline

By 21khill
  • German Blitzkrieg

    German Blitzkrieg
    The other word for "German lightening war." In which a certain area would be attacked roughly, damaging as much of the government/military property as they can. It was very successful, causing lots of destruction.
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    Germany's invasion of Poland

    On September 1st, 1939, the German forces invaded Poland due to the disagreements that had been passed between the two, dealing with Hitlers non aggression act. There was a lot of destruction, and after bombshells and fire, the countries argued, sending themselves into war.
  • The bombing of Pearl Harbor

    The bombing of Pearl Harbor
    Early on a Sunday morning, Japanese bombing planes flew to Navy base Pearl Harbor, dropping bombs on the unsuspecting soldiers. They sank multiple ships, killing many soldiers and causing so much destruction to the base. From this time forward, the US became a part of the war, wanting to defend themselves from what happened.
  • D-Day invasion

    D-Day invasion
    The Allied forces invaded Northern France in attempt to beach landings in Normandy. It set the record and still holds it to be the largest amphibious attack in war history.
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    Battle of the Bulge

    On the beginning day of this battle, the Germans launched the last big offensive of the war. Nazi Germany and the Allied forces fought in this, causing some destruction as well as an economic downfall.
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    Battle of Iwo Jima

    The battle is a major step in the war, where the United States captured the island of Iwo Jima. The US essentially attacked the base in hoes to cause as much destruction as the Japanese inflicted on them at Pearl Harbor.
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    Battle of Okinawa

    With the code name "ice berg," the battle was a major turning point. Being fought on the island of Okinawa and being quite destructive.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    The beautiful day known as "Victory in England day." It was the celebration of the formal acception into the Allied forces.
  • VJ Day

    VJ Day
    The day where Japan finally surrendered, allowing celebration all over the world as everyone jumped with joy for the end of the war was in sight.