• midnight raise

    PA State Legislators vote themselves a $4,000 to $13,000 pay raise (depending on position) at 2:00 AM
  • public reacts

    PA citizens cry out against the sudden vote, which was decided without reaching public ear before hand.
  • change of heart

    9 Legislators announce they will not be taking the pay raise
  • court ruling

    Courts announce that the 2:00 AM pay raise act is unconstitutional
  • checks and balences

    Metcalfe announces a package of "checks and balances" bills to terminate the judicial pay raise, reduce the term of office for judges from 10 to five years, eliminate the practice of judicial retention, and strike the constitutional provision that prohibits the reduction of a judicial salary in the middle of a term in office
  • retention election

    Citizens Vote against the retention of Justice Russell Nigro. Justice Sandra Schultz Newman is barely retained.
  • payraise repeal

    The sudden 'Midnight Raise" payraise act is repealed
  • judges get a raise

    More than 1,000 state judges will get to keep their middle-of-the-night pay raises even though the Legislature repealed the judicial raises.
  • announces she is going to run

    PoliticsPA is the first to report Lackawanna County prosecutor Kathleen Kane will run for the 2012 Democratic nomination for Attorney General.
  • Period: to

    kathleen kane

    kathleen kanes time as a attorney general
  • retention election

    Thomas Saylor faces retention election
  • kane is selected to run

    Kathleen Kane wins the 2012 Democratic nomination for Attorney General by a 53%-47% margin over former Congressman Patrick Murphy.
  • budget

    Legislators wrap up the budget process in the early hours of the morning despite the law that states it must be finished by 11:00 PM
  • kane is in

    Kathleen Kane is inaugurated as the 48th Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. She is the first woman to ever hold the office.
  • Kathleen Kane challenges critic

    Kathleen Kane challenges critic and Philadelphia DA Seth Williams to pursue the sting case. The Attorney General would initially hesitate to hand over the case files but eventually would.
  • kane finds the porn

    The protective order is lifted off the emails, leaving Kane in charge of what to do with the pornographic material.
  • wont let the emails out

    Kane initially refuses to release the emails.
  • kane lets it out

    Attorney General Kane hands over 4,000 emails to PA Supreme Court Chief Justice Ron Castille.
  • Kane disciplines staffers

    Kane disciplines 31 staffers for their involvement in exchanging pornographic emails.
  • running again

    Kane announces she will be running for re-election as Attorney General in 2016.
  • kane gets into trouble?

    In yet another Couloumbis and McCoy report, the state learns that the grand jury is recommending charges of perjury and contempt of court against Kane.
  • kane wont give up

    Kane announces that she will not resign and also will challenge the legality of Special Prosecutor Carluccio’s work before the PA Supreme Court.
  • appeal wont be heard

    In a 4-1 decision, the PA Supreme Court rejects the AG’s appeal.
  • kane is charged

    Montgomery County DA Risa Ferman charges the Attorney General with eight counts, including one felony and seven misdemeanors. They include obstructing administration of law or other government function, official oppression, criminal conspiracy, perjury and false swearing.
  • she is leading the race

    A new Harper Poll shows Kane is leading the Democratic field of Attorney General candidates.