testifies before grand jury, investigate the leaking of infor from another investigation -
Revealed Sources
2 reporters from Phili make an effort to reveal sources that will reccomend charges agaonst Kane -
Blake Rutherford resigns after 4 months and joins Phili law firm -
Judge Order
Judge orders Kane to explain firing and judge determines if it violates an order -
Hires former govt Ed Rendell's former spokesman Chuck Ardo as her spokesman to help get her message out -
Charges released
Charges are released and was said not to be an honest account of events -
Charged with perjury, obstruction, conspiracy, and other offenses for leaking grand jury info -
Unsecure bind
released on $10,000 unsecured bond -
Defending herself
Defends herself and says she is innocent and pleads that she is the victim -
Has a hearing in Norristown. Jusge orders her to stand trial on her charges -
PA supreme court reveals sexually explicit emails in response to Kanes effort prosecuters made something up against her -
Law license is suspended