kate alvarado

  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born on June 21st 2006 at the Swedish covenant hospital in Chicago, I am my parents youngest child after my sister who is 8 years older than me. I was born via C section weighing almost 10 pounds.
  • Went through the fridge

    Went through the fridge
    Very iconic I was hungry and started going through the fridge
  • My first Birthday

    My first Birthday
    On my first birthday my family had a party for me in my backyard, my cousins, neighbors, aunts, and uncles attended. I wore a yellow Bella dress because Beauty and the Beast was my favorite movie and had a princess dress.
  • Broken arm :(

    Broken arm :(
    I broke my arm when I was like 5 it was really sad because I was climbing the monkey bars and fell of and it snapped backwards.
  • family vacations

    family vacations
    I started going on family vacations when I was 4 years old, I went to Disney. A few years later I went to Guatemala, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic.
  • Started gymnastics

    Started gymnastics
    I started gymnastics when I was 8, I did it up until I was about 13 right before switching to cheer. I went to many different places for gymnastics and did competitive and recreational.
  • sister left for college

    sister left for college
    My sister left to go to college when I was 10 years old, it was very different at home when she left because she's my only sibling. Even though we argued a lot I was always excited for her to come home during her breaks.
  • got my second dog

    got my second dog
    I got my 2nd dog going into the 6th grade. I really wanted a bunny for a long time but I couldn't get one because my parents didn't want one. My dad wanted a dog so we ended up getting a little puppy named Chloe.
  • started quarantine

    started quarantine
    Quarantine started at the end of my 8th grade year, I stopped going to school and had to stay at home just with my mom for a while. Eventually I started going out with my friends again and biking around and hanging out at parks.
  • met my best friends

    met my best friends
    I made a lot of friends after freshman year, they are still my very close friends and our group has expanded so much. I have made many memories since I've met them
  • started cheer

    started cheer
    I started cheer after ending freshman year, I am very glad I tried out and made the team. I have made so many close friends through this team and so many memories and more to come.