
Kasparov's Timeline

  • When He became world champion

    When He became world champion
    Kaparov became chess world champion at 22 years old beating Anatoli Karpov(looser).
    He is the younger world champion at chess history!!
  • Kasparov lost vs DEEP BLUE

    Kasparov lost vs DEEP BLUE
    Kasparov was the best chess player in the world, he used to win always.
    Someday the americans wanted to show that russians weren't invencible, so they created a machine to beat Garry kasparov, then at the last game DEEP BLUE show us that no one is invencible and he won.
  • The Best Chess Game

    The Best Chess Game
    In the Wijk aan zee Tournament kasparov played a game which he sacrificed two rooks one pawn two bishops and one horse to humiliate his rival: Topalov.
    That's he best game played ever.