Karl Raimund Popper
Karl Raimund Popper was born in Austria, Vienna. He had two older sisters named Dora and Annie. His father was a successful lawyer named Simon Siegmund Carl Popper, and his mother an amateur pianist, Jenny Schiff. -
The University of Vienna
In late 1918, Popper unofficially attended the University of Vienna, by choosing to sit in on lectures but never actually took the entrance exam to formally enroll. (Thornton) -
The First Questioning
In 1919, Popper became a Marxist (Thornton), a study on the relation between feudalism and capitalism through theories of alienation, labor value, and historical tendencies by Karl Marx (Ollman). Autumn of 1919 Popper starts questioning when a theory should be scientific (Farnam). He starts to realize that minds such as Freud, Adler, and Marx, developed theories through confirmation of others accepting the logic, rather than testing inspired by Einstein's Theory of Relativity. (Thornton) -
Obtaining PhD
Popper gained his PhD at the University of Vienna for a thesis On the Problem of Method in the Psychology of thinking in 1928 (Stewart). -
Logik der Forschung
Popper publishes his first book in 1934 through the Vienna Circle, which is later translated in 1959 to English, The Logic of Scientific Discovery. This is where he first brings forth the idea with the problem of demarcation, which point is to differentiate what should be classified as science, non-science, and pseudo-science. His most notable ideology is that something can only be considered science through testability, and falsification. (Thornton) -
Popper's Passing
Popper died at the age of 92 due to cancer September 17th, 1994 in Kenley, England, UK. He was buried with his wife in Vienna’s Lainzer Friedof Cemetery. (Stewart)