Karl popper 30537

Karl Popper 1902-1994

  • The great philosopher Karl Popper is born

    The great philosopher Karl Popper is born
    Karl Popper born in Vienna, Austria and was raised by his father who was a doctor of law at the Vienna University.Popper discovered the psychoanalytic theories of Freud and Adler and attended a lecture which Einstein gave in Vienna on relativity theory. Who would have known that these influences would lead him impacting the world of philosophy of science.Karl Popper died in the UK at the age of 92 on 17 September 1994 forever changing how we view science.
  • A new meaning to constructive critisim 1934-1959

    A new meaning to constructive critisim 1934-1959
    Popper went on to translate Logik der Forschung (german) publishing it as The Logic of Scientific Discovery in 1959. He challenged the ideas of pseudosciences such as astrology, metaphysics, Marxist history, and Freudian psychoanalysis because of their failure to use the principle of falsifiability.He was criticizing psychologism, naturalism, inductionism, and logical positivism and proposed his theory of potential falsifiability.This aided in the ideas of what makes something science today.
  • Critisism continued

    Critisism continued
    The Open Society and Its Enemies was published in 1945 presenting a critique of theories of teleogical historicism expressing how liberal political values should be. “Popper's own philosophical explorations on the necessity of direct liberal democracy as the only form of government allowing institutional improvements without violence and bloodshed.”(Catherine Pugh & John Priest, 2017) This led to the development of his next book.
  • Popper's book about Historicism

    Popper's book about Historicism
    Popper went on to publish The Poverty of Historicism which emphasized his ideas from his book The Open Society and Its Enemies. "Popper's criticisms of the poverty of the idea of historical prediction can broadly be split into three areas: fundamental problems with the idea itself, common inconsistencies in the arguments of historicists, and the negative practical effects of implementing historicist ideas."(wiki)
  • A hero of Science

    A hero of Science
    Karl Popper's ideas has brought science through the revolution helping us challenge theories because "confirmation is a myth." As I learn more about the philosophy of science I learn it is because of Popper that we have these paradigm shifts and take risk with theories. "His rejection of the classical inductivist views on the scientific method in favour of empirical falsification."(2020, April 18) He passed away leaving an autobiography (Unended Quest), and ideas that forever changed science.
  • His influence today

    Crash course is my favorite Youtube subscription that explains Karl Popper's ideas and impact in science today. Popper gave birth to the final idea that pseudoscience confirms and Science disconfirms.