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Karl Popper

  • The Birth of Popper

    The Birth of Popper
    Karl Popper was born in Vienna, Austria, 1902. His father was Simon Siegmund Carl Popper, who was a lawyer. His mother was Jenny Schiff, she was a talented pianist. His own home had a scholar library and the practice of playing classical music.
    (“Karl Popper.” Famous Scientists, www.famousscientists.org/karl-popper/.)
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    The Life of Karl Popper

    Karl Popper was born in Vienna, Austria on July 28th, 1902. He died on September 17th, 1994. Popper was well known for his scientific contributions to the philosophy of science. He created the theory of falsification and rejected the views of the scientific method.
  • The Creation of Falsification

    The Creation of Falsification
    Karl Popper had published his book known as "Logik der Forschung" in 1934. This was later on published in England known as "The Logic of Discovery" in 1959. Popper had destroyed logical positivism with the theory of falsification. "Popper had exposed a flaw in the logical foundations of science. Since scientific theories could never be verified, they could never be tested" (Famousscientists.org). (“Karl Popper.” Famous Scientists, www.famousscientists.org/karl-popper/.)
  • Karl Popper's Teachings

    Karl Popper's Teachings
    While attending the University of Vienna he had studied physics, mathematics, and psychology. He taught at philosophy at Canterbury University College at New Zealand in 1937. He became a reader at London School of Economics in 1945. Later on he had become a professor in 1949 of logic and the scientific method until retirement in 1969.
    (“Karl Popper.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., www.britannica.com/biography/Karl-Popper.)
  • The Hypothetico-deductive method

    The Hypothetico-deductive method
    Karl Popper has always said that it doesn't matter how a scientist got a theory or hypothesis, as long as it is falsifiable. If it can't be falsified through falsification than it is not scientific. This is when "The Hypothetico-deductive method" comes in and is used as induction cannot be added to a theory but only deduction can. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYMq_-5ADas)
  • The Death of Karl Popper

    The Death of Karl Popper
    Karl Popper passed away at 92 from cancer on September 17th, 1994. He had passed away in England and was buried at Vienna’s Lainzer Friedhof Cemetery beside his wife. Karl Popper is now a famous 20th-century philosopher of science.