Karl marx

Karl Marx

By nkmorse
  • Marx's Birth

    Marx's Birth
    Karl Heinrich Marx was born on May 5, 1818. He was born in Trier, Rhenish Prussia which is present day Germany. Marx was the son of Heinrich Marx (lawyer) and Henriette Marx a Dutchwomen. Both of his parents were descendants of rabbis. Marx's birth is significant because he would go on to be the greatest political philosophers in Russia. He would bring great rise to cummunism and its beliefs ( Kort 22).
  • British Reform the Death Penalty

    British Reform the Death Penalty
    Throughout the 1700's and early 1800's Greath Britain's capital crimes had risen risen to 222 crimes punishable by death. Most of these crimes were trivial. Many juries would not convict citizens unless the crime was of high severity, this led Great Britan to reform its laws. By 1823 the number of crimes punishable by execution was down to 100. This saved many individuals lives who no longer would receive the death penalty over foolish crimes (Grun 389).
  • New England Anti-Slavery

    New England Anti-Slavery
    In 1830 William Garrison started an abolitionist paper called The Liberator. Two years later in 1832 he founded the New England Antislavery Society. His goal was to form a better organization to abolish slavery. This is significant because it helped protest against slavery in New England and throughout America. It helped to publicly condemn slavery and formulated plans for freedom in America (Grun 397).
  • Bonn University

    Bonn University
    During October of 1835 Marx attended Bonn University. He went there to follow his fathers advice and study law. However Marx soon proved law was not what he was interested in. Instead he wanted to study philosophy and poetry. A few months later he was removed for behavioral reasons. This is significant because it leads to Marx studying philosophy at Berlin University. Eventually leading to Marx writing "The Communist Manifesto" using his background in philosophy (Byers 305).
  • Marx Earns His Doctorate

    Marx Earns His Doctorate
    Karl Marx had earned his doctorate in March 1841. He attended the University of Berlin where he spent four years studying religion, philosophy, ethics, politics and history. Marx joined many discussion groups in the areas he had studied. By earning his doctorate and other high honors in philosophy it led him to publish many writings about his ideas ("Karl Marx Biography")
  • Morse's Telegraph

    Morse's Telegraph
    The telegraph was invented by Samuel Morse between the 1830's and 1840's. It worked by transmitting signals through a wire between two stations. It used a series of dots called Morse code to stand for each letter of the alphabet. On May 24, 1844 the first telegraph was sent between Washington, D.C and Baltimore. This is significant because it let the US communicate with European countries. It also led to the ideas for communication in the 21st century (Grun 413).
  • Idea of Marxism is Written Down

    Idea of Marxism is Written Down
    In August of 1844 Karl Marx's ideas were written down in "The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts" His ideas were known as Marxism. His ideas were never published until 1932. This is important because it provided a first hand account of his economic ideas ("Karl Marx").
  • Marx Befriends Engels

    Marx Befriends Engels
    On August 28, 1844 Karl Marx met Frederick Engels. Both Marx and Engels shared similar views about capitalism and cummunism. They decided to combine each of their ideas to write many books proclaiming ideas about life. This is significant because it leads to them Writng "The Communist Manifesto", and "Das Kapital" two of the most reknown pieces on communism (Levine).
  • Publishing of "The Communist Manifesto"

    Publishing of "The Communist Manifesto"
    Karl Marx published "The Cummunist Manifesto" on May 5,1848. Marx wrote the 12,000 word pamphlet in six weeks. It was written for a mass audience. The pamphlet summarized the nature of a cummunist society. According to Marx the goal was to create a classless society. All people would be thought as equal, with no individual getting special privileges. This is significant because it brought new ideas to people. Marx's ideas would also be used when creating communist Russia (Levine).
  • Hypodermic Syringe

    Hypodermic Syringe
    The first use of a hypodermic syringe was by Alexander Wood in 1853. Wood injected a patient with morphine to dull the man's pain. The first recorded fatality while using a syringe was by Woods' wife when she overdosed on morphine. The usage of the syringe affected many people in the American Civil War when 400,000 soldiers died from overdoses. These soldiers had been constantly shooting themselves opiates
    (Grun 419).
  • International Workingmen's Association

    International Workingmen's Association
    Marx founded the International Workingmen's Association on September 28, 1864 in St. Martin's Hall, London. Trade unionists made up the majority of the association. Marx founded the association to end workforce strikes. However, the International Workingmen's Association also helped with Italian unification and liberation in Poland.
    By founding the International Workingmen's Association Marx was able to provide jobs for the working class and raise confidence amongst labor protesters (Hogsberg)
  • "Das Kapital"

    "Das Kapital"
    Marx wrote" Das Kapital" in 1867. Marx published volume one of four but died before he could finish the rest. Frederick Engels and Karl Kautsky collaborated to write the other three volumes. They used Marx's ideas to finish the series. " Das Kapital" was an analysis of capitalsim. Marx wrote it to further proclaim his ideas of economics and society.
    This is significant because it led people to question the relationship between economics, history and politics in their country (Byers 305-306).
  • Removal of the Esophagus and Larynx

    Removal of the Esophagus and Larynx
    In 1872 Theodor Billroth was the first surgeon to remove sections of a human esophagus. In 1873 he was able to excise a complete larynx. During his surgeries he was one of the first people to use antiseptic to clean wounds. This greatly reduced the risk of infection in patients. This is significant because it revolutionized how surgical procedures were done. It lowered the rate of infections and it now let surgons remove esophagaland larynx parts (Grun 435).
  • Discovery of Scandium

    Discovery of Scandium
    In 1879 Lars Nilson a chemist analyzed minerals that he named scandium. Scandium is a metal. It is white and has a tint of pink in color. Scandium has a melting of 2,800 fahrenheit and a boiling point of 4,900 fahrenheit. This is significant because it proved Mendeleev's periodic law was correct. Certain groups of elements were related to each other based on composition and family (Grun 439).
  • Jenny Marx Dies

    Jenny Marx Dies
    On December 2, 1881 Jenny von Westphalen (Marx's wife) died of cancer. She was 67 years old. Karl and Jenny got engaged in 1826 and were married in 1843. Like Marx, Jenny was also a philosopher who supported Marx's ideas of cummunism. This is significant because after her death Marx would lose all hope in life. Marx was so devasted with the loss of Jenny that he no longer took care of his own health problems. Her death ultimately led to his death a few years later ( Byers 305).
  • Marx's Death

    Marx's Death
    Karl Marx died on March 14, 1883, Marx was 64 years old when he passed away. Marx died from many health problems, he suffered after his wife had died two years earlier. Marx had stopped taking care of himself and his body had began to shut down. This is significant because the world lost one of the greatest philosophers ever. Marx will always be known for his economic, social and commuist ideas (Kort 33).