Karl Marx

By aparlon
  • Karl Marx is born

    Karl Marx is born
    On May 5th, 1818 Karl Marx was born to Barrister Heinrich Marx and his wife Henriette in Trier, Prussia. Marx was born to a privileged wealthy family. This is important because he would spend his life speaking out against the unfairness of some people being more important than others.(1)
  • Marx graduates

    Marx graduates
    After being home schooled as a child Karl Marx graduated from a private high school called the Trier Gymnasium. Marx was able to go to this school case his parents could afford it. This is exactly the kind of unfair advantage he would speak out against as an adult. (1)
  • Marx recieves doctor of philosophy

    Marx recieves doctor of philosophy
    Karl Marx attended Berlin university to study law. Law was not his first choice but his father insisted on it. While at the university Marx decided that philosophy, the study of people and their relationships, was what he was truly interested in. (1)
  • Marx's first piece of journalism

    Marx's first piece of journalism
    The first article published by Marx was called "Comments on the Latest Prussian censorship instruction." It was a critique of the Prussian Governments attempt to censor the Catholic Church. This was the first time he had angered the Prussian Government. The Government then banned all publication of this article. (1)
  • Rheinische Zeitung

    Rheinische Zeitung
    Karl Marx began to write for this pro democracy newspaper which was critical of the Russian Government. His articles were so popular he was named editor in October 1842. This is also where he met his friend Fredric Engels. (3)
  • Newspaper banned

    Newspaper banned
    The Prussian Government became very angry with Karl Marx and his newspaper. After facing harsh government harassment Marx was forced to resign in march and the paper was completely shut down two weeks later. Marx was now experiencing government oppression first hand. (3)
  • Marx gets married

    Marx gets married
    Karl Marx married Jenny Vaughn Westphalen in June 1843. It was around this time that the German government was coming down on Karl Marx and his ideas. Marx was forced to flee the country and ended up in Paris. Here he began to get involved with the French Revolution and workers rights. (2)
  • Marx leaves France

    Marx leaves France
    While in Paris Karl Marx continued to be critical Prussian Government. He is also critical of the French government. At the request of the Prussian government the French ordered Marx to leave France. He flees to Brussels where his family joins him two weeks later. Marx is beginning to understand that it is not easy to fight big governments. (1)
  • Great famine in Ireland

    Great famine in Ireland
    Starting in 1845 a great famine came to Ireland. Approximately one million people died of starvation and a million more emigrated from Ireland. During this time there was plenty of food available in Ireland but the English government kept it from the poor to prevent them from becoming dependent on government handouts. (5)
  • League of the just

    League of the just
    Karl Marx attended a meeting in London called the league of the just. There were people there from all over the world who were interested in helping common people rise to power and get rid of oppressive governments. This group renames its self the Communist league. This is the beginning of the Communist party. They adopt a new modo, "Working Men Of All Countries Unite!" (3)
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The people of France revolted against King Louis Philippe. This was a continuation of revolutionary movements all over Europe. Workers and poor people were tiered of their living conditions. These are the people Karl Marx tried to help. (7)
  • Marx leaves Brussels

    Marx leaves Brussels
    The new Communist league is seen as a threat to all organized governments. The king of Belgium orders Marx out of the country with In 24 hours. After being held under arrest for 18 hours Marx and his family return to Paris. (1)
  • Marx arrives in London

    Marx arrives in London
    At this time revolutionary activity is rising throughout France. The French government blames Karl Marx and his writing for inciting violence. On august 23 he is given 24 hours to leave Paris. After being deported he arrives in London where he lived the rest of his life. (1)
  • American Civil War

    American Civil War
    The American Civil War was fought between Northern and Southern states. The two main issues were slavery and states rights. The war ended on may 9th,1865. The like the many revolutions in Europe America was also under going great changes. (6)
  • Lincoln assinated

    Lincoln assinated
    The Civil War had just ended in America and the country was hoping to start the healing process. That would be delayed when president Abraham Lincoln was assinated by John Wilkes booth. Using violence to create change was seen all over Europe. Now America had been affected by this also. (6)
  • Marx dies

    Marx dies
    Karl Marx died in London as man without a country. His controversial opinions had forced him to move throughout Europe during his life. He is buried at Highgate Cemetery in London. (1)