Karl Benz

  • Birthdate

    Karl Benz was boen in Karlsruse, Germany.
  • Education

    he got his degree in machines and engenering.
  • First job

    when Karl turned 21 he got a job at a local machine shop where he would get the information that he needeed for his future passion.
  • first disighin

    He made his first engine desighin and sold it for a new start.
  • First car

    First car
    He made the world's first practical car with a 1-cylender engine.
  • race cars

    Karl amde his first sieries of racing cars.
  • Benz & Company

    He left his former compompany in 1906 to persue his dream to make Benz and Company.
  • Mercades + Benz

    Mercades + Benz
    In the 20's Mercades and Benz and company found each other and combined to make Mercades Benz
  • Dethdate

    kal benz dided and passed the company to his son.