Karim Hassan Holocaust Timeline

  • End Of World War I

    Germany was defeated and Germans felt let down as German propaganda said Germany would win.
  • Treaty Of Versailles Signed

    The Treaty of Versailles caused Germany to pay, and limit the amount of soldiers they had, this also angered Germans.
  • Start Of The Great Depression

    Start Of The Great Depression
    The Great Depression destroyed many countries’ economies and bought an era of depression and anger.
  • Hitler appointed as chancellor

    Hitler appointed as chancellor
    Hitler started ruling Germany
  • Hitler introduces Nuremberg Laws

    Hitler introduced laws segregating and discriminating Jews, Jews could not marry Germans(Christians)
  • Hitler spreads Nazism to the world

    Hitler used propaganda in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin,he displayed a video named "The Triumph of Will" about Nazism to the world's viewers
  • Hitler starts sending Jews to ghettos

    Hitler starts sending Jews to ghettos
    Hitler send Jews to Ghettos in Poland to work for him, Many Jews starved and were infected with diseases such as Typhus
  • Hitler establishes 356 ghettos

    These ghettos were in Poland, the Soviet Union, the Baltic States, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Hungary, The ghettos in small towns were temporary and had little security but the ghettos in cities had Nazi soldiers everywhere.
  • Ghettos suffered

    The ghettos were unsanitary causing many diseases such as Typhus to kill many Jews, the Jews were also provided with very little food leading to starvation
  • Hitler starts creating large concentration camps in Poland

    These concentration camps such as Auschwitz were centers where Jews would work and then be killed in gas chambers.
  • Einsatzgruppen are created

    Einsatzgruppen are created
    The Einsatzgruppen were a group who killed around 1.5 million Jews, The Nazi's used them as a mobile killing group
  • The Nazis present the final solution

    The Nazi's presented their ideas in a meeting to exterminate all 11 million Jews in Europe
  • Resistance against the Jews

    Eastern European countries, especially Belorussia, welcomed Jewish families into their family camps in which they were taken care of and away from the Nazis.
  • A Jewish organization stands up for the Jews

    A Jewish organization stands up for the Jews
    The Jewish Fighter Organization (ZOB) tried to battle on behalf of the Jews using weapons smuggled from the ghettos, this lead to the Nazis bringing in tanks and machine guns, burning blocks of buildings, destroying the ghetto, and ultimately killing many of the last 60,000 Jewish ghetto residents.
  • Jewish prisoners resist the Nazis

    Some Jewish prisoners who were forced to handle the bodies of gas crematoria in Auschwitz. The prisoners who did this were all killed.
  • Rescuers succeed to hide many Jews

    Rescuers such as Huguenot Pastor André Trocme, and Raoul Wallenberg, saved hundreds of thousands of Jews by hiding them or helping them escape from their camps. The rescuers would be shot or publicly hanged if found by the Nazis
  • Denmark save their Jews

    Denmark save their Jews
    Denmark were able to save 7,220 of its 8,000 Jew by hiding them in Sweden which was neutral
  • Allied troops of liberty

    Allied troops of liberty
    Allied nations troops snuck in concentration camps and rescued many Jews, they also were surprised from the scenes they saw such as dead bodies on the ground.
  • Unification of the Jews

    Unification of the Jews
    Many Jews unified and created zionist communities while in the concentration camps, the Jews envisioned creating a nation
  • Jews create the Nation of Israel

    The Jews created a nation of people which they called Israel
  • Nazi criminals being tracked down

    Nazi war Criminals such as Simon Wiesenthal tried to escape, and Adolf Eichmann was captured and taken to Israel.