
  • juveniles on the move

    juveniles on the move
    President Judge Michael T. Conahan signs a commitment to send juveniles to a proposed for-profit detention center in which Powell is an investor.
  • Making Money

    Making Money
    The county begins sending juveniles to Powell's for-profit center
  • Removal

    Ciavarella removes himself from juvenile court duties and admits he repeatedly failed to properly inform juveniles of their right to counsel.
  • Money Money Money

    Money Money Money
    Federal prosecutors announce Ciavarella and former judge Michael T. Conahan will plead guilty to accepting $2.8 million from individuals tied to for-profit juvenile detention centers. The court subsequently removes them from judicial duties.
  • Free Them

    Free Them
    Judge Grim recommends all of Ciavarella's juvenile court sentences from 2003 through 2008 be vacated
  • Freedom

    The court adopts Grim's recommendation to vacate all juvenile court sentences
  • Plea Agreement

    Plea Agreement
    Prosecutors announce Conahan has signed a new plea agreement. Ciavarella's attorney says he is preparing for trial.
  • Trial Time

    Trial Time
    Powell testifies against Ciavarella, who is convicted and sentenced to 28 years in prison
  • Another Criminal

    Another Criminal
    Powell pleads guilty to failing to report a felony and being an accessory to a crime. He faces up 5½ years in prison.
  • Jail Time

    Jail Time
    Conahan is sentenced to 17½ years in prison after pleading guilty to conspiracy