continental congress meets
all colonies but georgia have representatives
voted to send a statement of grienances
voted to boycott all british trades
patrick henry-VA rep.urged colonists to unite agianst britan -
1000's of red coats in boston
general gage brings thousads of british soldiersto botson with more on the way -
midnight ride of paul revere
paul revere rides to woarn the sones of liberty in lexigton and concord that the britishare coming the british are coming. -
battles of lexigton and concord
battle of lexington
1st batte of amreica revolutionary war
shot heard round the world -ralph waldo emerson
british victory
battler of concord
americans sop british and focre them to reteat back to boston -
capture of fort ticonderoga
benedict arnold and ethan ellen capture the fort
get all supplies in the fort including cannons
american vitcory -
battle of bunker hill
fought on breed hill map
dont fire till you see the whites of there eyes- william prescott
british victory americans ran out of ammunition british learn defeating americans would not be easy -
second continental congress votes for independance
all 13 colonies vote yes on declaring indepence -
the declaration of indepenednce is signed