Kaleb's Personal Timeline

By Kal3b$
  • Birth

    I was born at Garden Grove hospital. In Garden Grove.I was the only child born and I currently am 12 years old and have no brothers or sisters.
  • My 7th Birthday

    My 7th Birthday
    For my 7th birthday I went to Knotts Berry Farm with my family to celebrate my 7th birthday.
  • My Summer Being 7 Years Old.

    My Summer Being 7 Years Old.
    At the beginning of my summer my cousins came to my house and they slept over for 3 weeks.Me and my cousins mainly just ate junk food and swam in my pool.
  • First Day Of First Grade

    First Day Of First Grade
    Me and my mom walked out the car and we walked into my first grade classroom and my teachers name was Mrs.Halter.My day after that went pretty well and I got along with my peers and made friends very quick.
  • My last day of school for first grade

    My last day of school for first grade
    I was very excited to go to school fro my last day of first grade because at the time for the last day of school the time school ended was at 12:15 so all day my class partied.Just eating chips and other junk food and watching a movie.
  • The First Day Of Second Grade

    The First Day Of Second Grade
    Now second grade was a bit more different but same routine.My mom walked me into my class and my teacher's name was Mrs.Phrimmer. It took about 15 minutes for class to actually start because a girl that was supposed to be in my class was crying outside our class and was very annoying so there was a slight delay.
  • My Summer Of 2013

    My Summer Of 2013
    My summer in 2013 was honestly amazing.I stayed up all night on the weekdays and slept in until one in the afternoon on weekends.I played video games and ate so much junk food but also went to my grandma's house in San Bernardino.
  • My First Start Of 4th Grade

    My First Start Of 4th Grade
    So 4th grade comes around and I am 9 years old.This time I walked by myself to class because at the time my mom had a doctor's appointment.My teachers name was Ms.Liskey and that day everyone seemed nice and the day seemed short since it was a friday and that day I planned to go swimming in my pool with friends.
  • My Summer Of 2014

    My Summer Of 2014
    So now that I have gotten a little older.Over the summer I skated with my friends Edi,Carlos,and Nick.We skated every single day of the summer.Also I rode my first dirt bike and went 25 miles per hour.
  • My First Day Of Fifth Grade

    My First Day Of Fifth Grade
    Now again, I walked to my class and my teacher's name was Mr.Keeney.He was more of a very chill,laid back teacher with a very good sense of humor.
  • My Summer Of 2015

    My Summer Of 2015
    Now this was the best summer ever,I slept over at my friend Nick's house for about a week.Every single day of summer me and him either swam in his pool or went skating because that was all I could do at the time.
  • My First Day Of Sixth Grade

    My First Day Of Sixth Grade
    So this time,I walked to my class with a couple of my friends from previous years since we had the same teacher.My teacher's name was Mrs.Zarkades.She was way more strict at me because in 4th grade I got in trouble and had to go to her class for a timeout.
  • The Day That I Was The Happiest Person Ever

    The Day That I Was The Happiest Person Ever
    So It was at lunch where I met with a really close friend of mine that i've known for about 3 months and we became real close and we liked each other since the day we met.So I figured that I should ask her out and she said yes.
  • A Good Day To Be Alive

    A Good Day To Be Alive
    So a day at school went pretty well considering it was a Monday and normally mondays suck.So after school me and my two friends went to our friend's house named jason.Jason had a big jumper in his backyard so we went there to hang out and jump around for a bit and he ended up backflipping off his roof into the jumper.
  • 7th Grade Year

    7th Grade Year
    This year i've been messing up badly.My grades have been dropping,I have been tagging,smoking weed,and smoking cigarettes.