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Kaleb's life

  • My birthday

    My birthday
    I was born 12 3 of 06
  • my first tooth

    my first tooth
  • my brother (tanner's) birthday

    my brother (tanner's) birthday
  • my sister (sam's) birthday

    my sister (sam's) birthday
  • my sister (lilly's) birthday

    my sister (lilly's) birthday
  • when I got my favorite dog

    when I got my favorite dog
    her name is Lucy
  • being bubble gum bart

    being bubble gum bart
  • my first ever football game

    my first ever football game
  • Period: to

    move to mississippi

  • first time I ever drove a car by myself

    first time I ever drove a car by myself
  • my brother (remi's) birthday

    my brother (remi's) birthday
  • my grandma (Tricia's) death

    my grandma (Tricia's) death
    my grandma died of breast cancer
  • my grandpa (virgil's) death

    my grandpa (virgil's) death
    my grandpa died of cancer everywhere in his body
  • my first plane ride

    my first plane ride
    I went to arizona
  • first ever roller-coaster

    first ever roller-coaster
    obviously a llama falling off a roller coaster
  • my brother (reid's) birthday

    my brother (reid's) birthday
  • when I saw robbie at the DG

    when I saw robbie at the DG
    I was sans
  • when I finished this timeline

    when I finished this timeline
    Just for the lolz