Amir misleads Hassan
Amir reads Hassan a story one afternoon and begins to deviate away as a joke, but Hassan enjoys it. Hassan believes that ¨was the best story [Amir] read [him] in a long time¨ (Hosseini 30). Amir tried to trick Hassan into buying a false story but Hassan concludes that the story is much better than the previous books he has been read. This moment provokes Amir´s enthusiasm in pursuing a writing career later on in the novel. -
Amir and Hassan´s first words
At the beginning of the novel, Amir recalls that the event in the winter of 1975 correlates with Hassan and himselfś first words. While under the same roof, he and Hassan ¨spoke [their] first words. [Amir´s] was Baba. [Hassan´s] was Amir¨ (Hosseini 11). Amir´s decides that honoring Baba is more important than saving Hassan. Hassan, however, proves his loyalty to Amir as shown by his first word. This all proves how the words Hassan and Amir spoke influenced their decisions on the day of the rape. -
Amir realizes the power of his actions
After witnessing Hassan's rape, Amir reanalyzes what he just saw and feels guilt when he realizes how impactful his actions are. Amir almost spoke out and he knows that¨ The rest of [his] life might have turned out differently if [he] had. But [he] didn´t. [Amir] just watched. Paralyzed¨ (Hosseini 73). Amir begins to feel guilty about how differently his life might have turned out if stood up for Hassan instead of betraying him. -
Amir and Hassan's difference in SES
When Amir and Assef encounter in the beginning, Assef questions Amir´s friendship with Hassan. Amir believes they are friends, but due to his status, he questions why ¨when Baba´s friends came to visit with their kids, didn´t [he] ever include Hassan in [the] games? Why did [he] play with Hassan only when no one else was around?¨ (Hosseini 41). Amir is fond of Hassan but is afraid to prove it due to the difference in status. This leads to Amir's betrayal to gain his father's approval later on. -
Amir´s remorse and its consequences
As time passed, Amir´s remorse after witnessing Hassan´s rape increases until he cannot look Hassan in the eye without being overcome by his actions. He finds Baba in a garden and begins to discuss with him the possibility of him ¨ever [thinking] about getting new servants¨ (Hosseini 89). Baba is extremely furious and distraught since Amir would even consider this. As a result, the guilt controlling Amir drives him to push Hassan away and only enraging those close to him. -
Period: to
Kite Runner
Background on Afghanistan
Many people believe that Afghanistan was always in ruin. Actually, around three decades ago, "Afghanistan was a stable, relatively prosperous and relatively secular country. The turmoil and extremism that have dominated its history since then can be traced to the 1979 invasion by the Soviet Union and the reaction both by Afghans and by their allies in the United States and Pakistan" (The New York Times). -
Russian Tanks
In the winter of 1979, Afganistan was an unpleasant place to be. The Russian tanks that rolled in¨ the very streets Hassan and [Amir] played, [brought] the death of Afghanistan [he] knew and [marked] the start of a still ongoing era of bloodletting¨ (Hosseini 36). This quote proves Amir´s childhood memories will not be the same as other kids who will grow up in this new society. As a result, the Taliban and the worse events that followed marked the end of the most happy childhood Amir remembers. -
The First Soviet Union troops
On December 27, 1979, the first Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul, "to assist Babrak Karmal, who had become president in a coup within the Afghan Communist leadership. Moscow insisted that the troops came in response to a plea for help from a legitimately constituted Karmal Government. But most Western analysts say the Soviets engineered the coup as a pretext to replace Hafizullah Amin, the Afghan leader, who had lost their trust"(The New York Times). -
Baba and Amir´s escape
As Amir and Baba are escaping Kabul, a Russian soldier threatens a young woman and Baba, who stands up to him and saves the woman´s life and own. A while after, Amir states that they ¨rode in silence for about fifteen minutes before the young woman´s husband suddenly stood and did something [he had] seen many others do before him: He kissed Baba´s hand¨ (Hoseini 117). Baba is a very respected man in their society due to his bravery and immense courage, causing many people to respect him. -
Baba's cancer
When Baba is diagnosed with terminal cancer, Amir knows that he will not be able to use his father's pride and power to survive. When he mentions these thoughts to Baba, he says that all "' those years, that's what [he] was trying to teach [Amir], how to never have to ask [him] that question."' (Hosseini 157).Baba tried to prepare his son for the world so that he would never have to suffer. Baba may have done this to atone for not being with his other son and not preparing him as well. -
Soviet Troops Leave
After being in the country for 9 years, The Soviet troops finally left Afghanistan after peace talks looked upon by the United Nations" in February 1989, in what was in effect a unilateral withdrawal. They left behind a country that was not only devastated by the war but that had become a beacon to Islamic extremists from across the globe who had come to assist in the fighting, including Osama bin Laden and the group he helped found, Al Qaeda." (The New York Times). -
The Taliban Folklore
The Taliban story is considered folklore back in Afghanistan. They are said to have grown "out of a student movement dedicated to purifying the country, based in the southeast, the home of the dominant ethnic group, the Pashtun. In a story that is now part of Afghan folklore, the group's first action occurred when Mullah Omar, a Pashtun who had lost an eye fighting the Soviets, gathered a small band of men and attacked a group of warlords who had raped a girl..." (The New York Times). -
The Taliban's Crimes
Most people believe that the Taliban only commit violent crimes such as rape or massacres. In reality, their crimes are very widespread such as The Taliban in 1996 "had taken control of Afghanistan, imposing strict - enforcement of fundamentalist Islamic law, banning movies and music and forcing women out of schools and into all-enveloping burqa clothing" (The New York Times). -
Amir and Assef meet again
Amir faces a Talib and tries to make a deal with him to get Sohrab. The Talib reveals himself to be Assef, the boy-now man-who raped Hassan. When Amir finds out, he "tried to take a breath and couldn't. [he] tried to blink and couldn't. The moment felt surreal-no, not surreal- absurd-it had knocked the breath out of me..."(Hosseini 281). At this moment, Amir is surprised that he must face the person who inflicted such pain on his brother, making him feel an obligation to correct his mistakes. -
Post September 11
Following 9/11, President George W. Bush offered the Taliban "an ultimatum to hand over Mr. bin Laden. When it refused, the United States joined forces with rebel groups that had never accepted Taliban rule, notably the Northern Alliance, which represented minority tribes" (The New York Times). -
The Karzai Government
In December 2001 a new leader emerged named Hamid Karzai. He was named chairman of a government that replaced the Taliban, which made him the "interim president in June 2002, saying he hoped to secure peace for Afghanistan and win the country much-needed international aid...Mr. Karzai faced an Afghan population that blamed him for the manifest lack of economic progress and the corrupt officials who seem to stand at every doorway of his government" (The New York Times). -
The Taliban Rise Again
The Taliban began to rise again despite their defeat "in 2001, [they] continued to wage guerrilla warfare from a base in the mountainous and largely lawless tribal area on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. As the American military focus was diverted to the invasion and occupation of Iraq, the Taliban regrouped and began to extend its influence in the southern part of Afghanistan. Their rise was assisted by a resurgent opium trade, which helped to fill the group's coffers" (The New York Times). -
Rahim Khan´s phone call
At the beginning of 2001, Amir receives a call from Rahim Khan after around 20 years, trying to convince him to come back to Kabul. When ending the phone call, Rahim Khan tells Amir to ¨Come. [Because] there is a way to be good again¨ (Hosseini 192). Rahim knows about Hassan´s rape and wants Amir to come home not for his benefit, but for the benefit of Sohrab, Hassan´s son. This evidence illustrates that Rahim Khan uses this line to persuade Amir into coming back and atoning for his sins. -
Rahim´s plan
Rahim Khan had a task planned for when Amir arrived in Afganistan, revealing why he called. Rahim explains that he did not call Amir to be present in his final days, but for him to make up for his past by ¨[going] to Kabul. [Rahim wanted him] to bring Sohrab here"(Hosseini 220). Rahim only calls so Amir brings Hassan´s son to safety and away from any harm. This proves that Rahim wanted Amir to save Sohrab so he could finally be relieved of the guilt he carried on for more than a decade. -
Amir finds the truth
While Amir is on the search for Sohrab, he spends some valuable time with Farid, his driver. He explains to Farid why he is on this ¨crazy¨ mission because of how Rahim explained earlier that ¨[Hassan] was my half-brother. My illegitimate half-brother¨ (Hosseini 237). Amir accepts the truth that he and Hassan were robbed of many years ago, fueling his need to find his nephew. This shows how Amir is only taking all of these risks to honor his brother and the betrayal he brought upon Hassan. -
Sohrab shoots Assef
Assef and Amir begin their fight in hopes that one of them will win Sohrab. As Assef beats Amir, Sohrab threatens Asserf the same way his father did before him; threatening to take his eye out. Assef tries to stop Sohrab but the slingshot "made a thwiiiit sound when Sohrab released the cup. Then Assef was screaming" (Hosseini 291). Sohrab defends Amir and himself against Assef, just like Hassan did in the past proving that the event earlier was foreshadowing the fight scene later on. -
Sohrab and Amir's bond
Amir follows Sohrab as he runs away from the hotel to a nearby mosque. They sit down and begin to talk a. As they talk, Amir notices that about Hassan and all of the hardships they have been through together, which created "a kinship [that] had taken root between us..." (Hosseini 320). Sohrab and Amir trust each other hugely, building a great bond between them that will bend, but never break. -
Barack Obama's Involvment
Barack Obama had a plan to widen the United States' involvement in Afghanistan. In a speech he made in 2001, " Mr. Obama announced his plan to deploy 30,000 additional troops. He vowed to start bringing American forces home from Afghanistan in the middle of 2011, saying the United States could not afford and should not have to shoulder an open-ended commitment" (The New York Times). -
Amir´s final reflection about the incident
Almost three decades after 1975, Amir reflects once again on that moment where he deceived his brother. He remembers every precise detail, ¨the precise moment, crouching behind a crumbling mud wall, peeking into the alley near the frozen creek¨ (Hosseini 1). Amir was left scarred not only by the incident itself but with help from the remorse he carries with him. This demonstrates that Amir will never fully forget what occurred because his remorse and vivid memory will not allow him to just yet. -
Deadline Change (2011 to 2014).
The Obama Administration changed its deadline from 2011 to "increasingly emphasize the idea that the United States will have forces in the country until at least the end of 2014. Administration officials are trying to convince Afghans that the United States is not walking away and to warn the Taliban that aggressive operations against them would continue... " ( The New York Times).