I was born
The only 1
The glory of 2
My friends came to my second birthday at the Dragon park. -
The finding of the Cutie Patootie
My mom, Mimi, Jena, Allie and l went to the movies and then the cat tripped me. We decided to put him in the car. Mom thought he would jump out of the car instead he fell asleep in my car-seat. -
3rd birthday
The move
I moved from Tennessee to North Carolina because my dad went to medical school. He wanted to be a doctor. -
I'm 4
The beginning of Benson
I was at shcool when Benson was born and grandma Susie and grandpa Bob picked me up. I was so happy to see him. -
5 is here
Next to 5 is 6
I turned 6 in North Carolina. It was a great day and it was a ninja turtle fairy party! It was in the driveway and it was fun. -
Skating on 7
My seventh birthday was at the skating rink. We had glow in the dark t-shirts and my friends signed my shirt. It was my first time at a skating rink I was scared at first but it turned out to be fun. -
Moving again
I moved to Florida form North Carolina because my dad had an intervew there and we really liked it and the Mayo Clinic really liked him. -
The 8
Emmalyn was born
I was at the babysitters while Emmalyn was being born. The next morning I was sooooooooo happy to hold her for the first time and I was proud.