Public education

K-12 Public Education

  • Common Schools

    Common Schools
    Common schools started in 1830 created by Horace Mann and were funded by tax payers. The cost was free for only white children to attend.
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Plessy vs. Ferguson
    The Supremes Court's ruling in Plessy effectively established the "separate" facilities for blacks and white Americans were constitutional as long as they were "equal". This started an era of legally sectioned racial segregation.
  • International council for Exceptional Children

    International council for Exceptional Children
    The International council for Exceptional children is founded at Columbia University of Teachers College. The CEC is the largest foundation for children with special needs, disabilities and talents.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    With the stalk market crashing the United States begins the Great Depression, our economy is devastated. Public Education funding suffers greatly that results into schools closing, teachers getting laid off, and salaries get lowered.
  • Everson vs. Board of Education

    Everson vs. Board of Education
    The New Jersey Law authorized reimbursement by local school boards of the costs of transportation to and from schools, including public and private schools