Juvenile Justice System

  • Stubborn Child Law (Massachusetts)

  • Period: to

    Puritan Period

    -Intent and a crime has to happen in order for a crime to have been committed
    -Children under 7 are "infants" and are incapable of committing crimes
    -Industrial Revolution
    -Punishment was handled by the parents, only when the parents failed did the community step in
  • First reformatory (New York)

  • Period: to

    Refuge Period

    -Poor class
    -Reform schools, Foster homes, and House of Refuge
    -Child savers
    -YMCA & YWCA
    -Civil War
  • Ex Parte Crouse

    -Philadelphia Supreme Court ruled House of Refuge as a reformatory not a jail
    -It's the states duty to protect children (Parens Patriae)
    -Juvenile Justice System had the right to assist with troubled children
  • First separate trials

  • People V Turner

    -The State can only intervene under extreme circumstances
    -Limited what offenses juveniles could be sent to reform school for
    -Made it unconstitutional to hold Juveniles in jail if they have not had due process or convicted of a crime
  • Separate dockets and records

  • First Juvenile Probation system

  • Segregation for juveniles under 16 years old waiting for trial

  • Juvenile Court Act (Cook County, Illinois)

    • Delinquent= Under 16 years old -Separated children and adults in prison -Prohibited detaining a child under 12 in jail
  • Period: to

    Juvenile Court Period

    -Social workers
  • White House conference on dependent children

  • Child Labor Laws

  • Social Security Act

    -Funding for programs to aid children and families
  • Federal Juvenile Court Act

    -Adopted from the Cook County Act
  • Period: to

    Juvenile Rights Period

    -Johnsons "War on poverty"
    -Civil Rights Movement
    -The 4 "D's (Decriminalization, Deinstitutionalization, Diversion, Due Process)
  • JIPS

    -Legislation made status offenses non-criminal (California)
  • Gault V Arizona (Due process)

  • Kent V United States (Adult waiver)

  • Uniform Juvenile Court Act

  • Re. Winship (Standard of proof)

  • Mckiever V Penn (No right to a jury)

  • Period: to

    Crime Control Period

    -Present Period
    -Justice model
    -2 more "D"s (Deterrence and Deserts)
    -49 states now allow prosecutors to waive into adult court
  • Custody Training schools

    -214 long term "strict" or "medium" custody training schools
  • Schall V Martin (Preventive Detention)

  • Get tough policy