Period: to
Justice System Timeline
Weems v United States
Set a precedent on Cruel and Unusual Punishment. -
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. Becomes Supreme Court Justice
Theodore Roosevelt appointed Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. as the 58th Supreme Court Justice. -
52th Supreme Court Justice was Appointed
President Theodore Roosevelt appointed William R. Day as the 59th Supreme Court Justice. -
Rotary Club of Businessmen
The Rotary Club of Businessmen was founded in Chicago, Illinois. -
60th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Theodore Roosevelt appointed William Henry Moody as the 60th Supreme Court Justice -
61st Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President William Howard Taft appointed Horace Harmon Lurton as the 61st Supreme Court Justice -
U.S. Court of Custom Appeals
Congress created the U.S. Court of Customs Appeals, with five authorized judgeship's, to hear appeals from the Board of General Appraisers later the U.S. Customs Court. -
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
This act provided the regulation of pesticide use, sale, and distribution. -
A movement that defended women's rights and to establish equal opportunities as men in U.S society. -
Commerce Court
Congress created the Commerce Court in 1910 to hear appeals from decisions of the Interstate Commerce Commission, which was established in 1887 to regulate the nation’s railroads. -
9th Chief Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Edward Douglass White is appointed by William Howard Taft as the 9th Chief Supreme Court Justice. -
64th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President William Howard Taft appointed Joesph Rucker Lamar as the 64th Justice of the Supreme Court, -
63rd Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President William Howard Taft appointed Willis Van Devanter as the 63rd Supreme Court Justice -
U.S. Circuit Courts Abolished
In 1911, Congress compiled the first judicial code, which consisted of all the statutes Congress had passed concerning the federal judiciary that were still in effect. -
65th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President William Howard Taft appointed Mahlon Pitney as the 65th Supreme Court Justice. -
66th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Woodrow Wilson appointed James Clark McReynolds as the 66th Supreme Court Justice -
67th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Woodrow Wilson appointed Louis Brandei as the 67th Supreme Court Justice -
68th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Woodrow Wilson appointed John Hessin Clarke as the 68th Supreme Court Justice. -
Debs vs United States
This supreme court case upheld the Espionage Act of 1917 and sentenced Eugene Debs to ten years in prison and a loss of his citizenship. -
Treaty of Versailles
Treaty of Versailles ended WWI and made Germany pay for damages -
Women can vote in all states
Tennessee became the last state to ratify the 16 amendment. Woman could vote just like men could. -
10th Chief Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Warren G. Harding appointed William Howard Taft as the 10th Chief Supreme Court Justice. -
70th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Warren G. Harding appointed George Sutherland as the 70th Supreme Court Justice. -
71st Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Warren G. Harding appoints Pierce Butleras the 71st Supreme Court Justice. -
72nd Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Warren G. Harding appointed Edward Terry Sanford as the 72nd Supreme Court Justice -
First Execution by Gas Chamber
The first execution by gas chamber was in Carson City, Nevada. -
73rd Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Calvin Coolidge appointed Harlan F. Stone as the 73rd Supreme Court Justice. -
U.S. Custom Court
In order to reduce the burden on the the U.S. circuit and District courts, Congress established the Board of General Appraisers to decide controversies related to appraisals of imported goods and classifications of tariffs. -
Tenth Circuit Reestablished
District of Colorado.
District of Kansas.
District of New Mexico.
Eastern District of Oklahoma.
Northern District of Oklahoma.
Western District of Oklahoma.
District of Utah.
District of Wyoming. -
Great Depression
The Great Depression started on October 29th in the United States. -
74th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Herbert Hoover appointed Owen Joesphus Roberts as the 74th Supreme Court Justice. -
Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States
This supreme court case said that Congress could not delegate legislative powers to the executive and that control of interstate commerce could not apply to intrastate commerce. This decision was designed to reduce FDR's power in the US government. -
Social Security Act
Amendment set up a social insurance program funded by contributions from employers and employees
created by Franklin D. Roosevelt -
The Final Public Execution
Last public execution took place in Kentucky with 20,000 people watching, along with full media coverage. -
76th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Franklin D. Roosevelt. appointed Hugo Black as the 76th Supreme Court Justice -
77th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Stanley Forman Reed as the 77th Supreme Court Justice -
78th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Felix Frankfurter as the 78th Supreme Court Justice -
CORE is formed
The Congress of Racial Equality was formed. -
82nd Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Robert H. Jackson as the 82nd Supreme Court Justice. -
Discrimination is banned
President Roosevelt banned discrimination in defense industries. -
12th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Appointed
President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Harlan F. Stone as the 12th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court -
83rd Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Wiley Blount Ruthledge as the 83rd Supreme Court Justice. -
Korematsu vs US
This supreme court case upheld the constitutionality of the Japanese relocation camps that resulted in these Japanese Americans in losing millions of dollars in property and earnings. -
86th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Tom C. Clark is appointed as the 86th Supreme Court Justice by President Harry S. Truman. -
87th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Harry S. Truman appointed Sherman Minton as the 87th Supreme Court Justice -
Hernandez v. Texas
1st supreme court case ruling discrimination against race other than African American. -
14th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Appointed
President Dwight D. Eisenhower appointed Earl Warren as the 14th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. -
Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas
Supreme Court case in which it was ruled that segregation in the public schools was "inherently unequal" and thus unconstitutional. This court decision reversed the court's earlier decision in the Plessy vs Ferguson supreme court case of 1896. -
14th Amendment
All persons born or naturalized in the United States have the right to do process of law before being taken to prison, or losing their properties. -
89th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Dwight D. Eisenhower appointed John Marshall Harlan II as the 89th Supreme Court Justice. -
90th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Dwight D. Eisenhower appointed William J. Brennan as the 90th Supreme Court Justice by -
Hawaii and Alaska end Capital Punishment
After much pressure to end the death penalty after England and Canada ended their death penalty. -
91st Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Dwight D. Eisenhower appointed Charles Evans Whittaker as the 91st Supreme Court Justice -
Civil Rights Act in 1957
Allowed more powerful investigations of the violations of civil rights to increase. -
Cooper v. Aaron
States that states cannot nullify decisions of Federal Courts -
92nd Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Dwight D. Eisenhower appointed Potter Stewart as the 92nd Supreme Court Justice . -
Great Society
A program created by president Lyndon B. Johnson to help society. The two main goals were the elimination of poverty and racial injustices in U.S society. -
Boynton v. Virginia
The Supreme Court ruled that segregation on interstate buses and in waiting rooms was unconstitutional and now illegal. -
Delaware Restores Death Penalty
Delaware was pressured to restore the death penalty. -
Peace Corps Formed
A Volunteer Program -
Mapp v. Ohio
Warren Court left an unprecedented legacy of judicial activism in the area of civil rights law as well as in the area of civil liberties—specifically, the rights of the accused as addressed in Amendments 4 through 8. -
Engel v. Vitale
School initiated that prayer in public schools violates the first amendment right of freedom of religion. -
94th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President John F. Kennedy appointed Arthur Goldberg as the 94th Supreme Court Justice -
93rd Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President John F. Kennedy appointed Byron White as the 93rd Supreme Court Justice. -
Gideon vs Wainwright
This supreme court case said that all defendants in serious criminal cases were entitled to legal counsel, even if they were too poor to afford it. -
New York Times vs Sullivan
In this supreme court case the supreme court ruled that public figures sued could sue for libel only if they could prove that "malice" had motivated their defamers. -
Oregon gets rid of the Death Penalty
Oregon abolishes capital punishment after being pressured from both side of the death penalty -
Reynolds v. Sims
United States Supreme Court case that ruled that state legislature districts had to be roughly equal in population. -
Escobedo v. Illinois
United States Supreme Court case holding that criminal suspects have a right to counsel during police interrogations under the Sixth Amendment. -
Civil Rights Act in 1964
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned segregation in public accommodations, and gave the government the ability to compel school boards into desegregating their schools. -
Griswold vs Connecticut
This supreme court case struck down a Connecticut state law that prohibited the use of contraceptives, declaring a "right of privacy" that the state of Connecticut was in conflict with. -
Four States Abolish Capital Punishment
New York, Iowa, West Virginia, and Vermont abolish the death penalty. -
95th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Lyndon B appointed Johnson Abe Fortas as the 95th Supreme Court Justice. -
Voting Rights Act in 1965
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 banned literacy test and gave the federal government power to oversee voter registrations and elections in states that had discriminated against minorities. -
Miranda vs Arizona
This supreme court case ensured the right of the accused to remain silent and enjoy the other protections when accused of a crime. -
96th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Lyndon B. Johnson appointed Thurgood Marshall as the 96th Supreme Court Justice -
Terry v. Ohio
States that stop and frisk do not violate the Constitution in some circumstances. -
Fair Housing Act
The Fair Housing Act banned discrimination in housing. -
15th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Appointed
President Richard Nixon appointed Warren E. Burger as the 15th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court -
99th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Richard Nixon appointed Lewis F. Powell Jr as the 99th Supreme Court Justice. -
98th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Richard Nixon appointed Harry Blackmun as the 98th Supreme Court Justice appointed -
Roe v. Wade
Piece of landmark decision that ruled unconstitutional a state law that banned abortions except to same the life of the mother. -
Separate Juvenile Justice System
The Juvenile Justice System splits from the regular justice system to create a court just for minors, with its own set of rule that is separate from the adult justice system. -
101st Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Gerald Ford appointed John Paul Stevens as the 101st Supreme Court Justice by -
Public Integrity Section Created
After the Watergate Scandal the Department of Justice created the section of Public Integrity to review the acts of politicians. -
Bethel School District #43 v. Fraser
States Students don't have a 1st amendment right to make obscene speeches in school -
104th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Ronald Reagan appointed Anthony Kennedy as the 104th Supreme Court Justice. -
Drug Court
First drug court in Miami -
105th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President George H.W. Bush appointed David Souter as the 105th Supreme Court Justice. -
Money Laundering Section
The Money Laundering Section is created to assist the Asset Recovery Section and to also help with the justice departments anti-money laundering enforcement efforts. -
107th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Bill Clinton appointed Ruth Bader Ginsburg as the 107th Supreme Court Justice. -
108th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Bill Clinton appointed Stephen Breyer as the 108th Supreme Court Justice by -
Free Trade Agreement
North American Free trade agreement removed tariffs and trade barriers. -
Capital Case Unit Created
The Capital Case Unit Created to create fairness when it came to the death penalty. -
Santa Fe Independent School v. Doe
States that students may not use school loudspeaker systems to offer student-led prayer, in public schools. -
Roper v. Simmons
Says it's cruel and unusual to punish and execute a person on crimes they committed before turning 18. -
The Gang Unit is Created
The Gang Unit is created to target gang-related crimes, and it's moved into the National Security Division. -
111th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
President Barack Obama appointed Sonia Sotomayor as the 111th Supreme Court Justice -
The OSI Merger
The Office of the Special Investigation merger is created from the merger between the Human Rights and Special Prosecution Section -
112th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Barack Obama appointed Elena Kagan as the 112th Supreme Court Justice.