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June 1919 - Treaty of Versailles is signed A peace treaty that was set to Germany after World War 1. In the treaty punishing conditions were set to Germany.

By Hzm21
  • August 1919 - The Weimar Republic is established in Germany The Weimar Republic was Germany’s government from 1919 to 1933. It was formed by a national assembly, but it was too weak and it was replaced by Hitler's Natzi Party.

    August 1919 - The Weimar Republic is established in Germany The Weimar Republic was Germany’s government from 1919 to 1933. It was formed by a national assembly, but it was too weak and it was replaced by Hitler's Natzi Party.
    The Weimar Republic was Germany’s government from 1919 to 1933. It was formed by a national assembly, but it was too weak and it was replaced by Hitler's Natzi Party.
  • January 1920 - The League of Nation is created

    January 1920 - The League of Nation is created
    First international organization to organize peace. It was weakened by lack of support from the countries that had power. It was disbanded, but was re-adopted as for today is called the United Nations.
  • January 1923 - French Occupation of the Ruhr

    January 1923 - French Occupation of the Ruhr
    Ruhr, a region that borders France and Belgium was not to be occupied by French or German army. When Germany started defaulting on their war reparation payments France sent troops into the Ruhr as compensation. It made the German people mad.
  • November 1923 - Beer Hall Putsch

    November 1923 - Beer Hall Putsch
    Adolf Hitler and the Natzi party believed they would be able to create a new government. They attempted to overthrow the Weimar Republic, but they got arrested and were sent to prison. Adolf Hitler became even more popular in Germany.
  • April 1924 - The Dawes plan is created

    April 1924 - The Dawes plan is created
    Germany continued to fail to pay their payments, the United States created a pla where they would loan money to Germany. Britain and France are then told to get their troops out of Ruhr. This plane failed due to the Great Depression.
  • June 1925 - Benito Mussolini becomes dictator of Italy

    June 1925 - Benito Mussolini becomes dictator of Italy
    Benito Mussolini became the president and dictator in Italy. He terrorized the people and the king to gain power. Adolf Hitler was influenced by him.
  • October 1925 - The Locarno Treaties are signed

    October 1925 - The Locarno Treaties are signed
    It was a treaty between the Allies and Germany. The allies would allow Germany to rebuild and recover from World War 1, and Germany promises to not to go to war. This treaty allowed Hitler to gain power without interfering with the Allies with his plan.
  • August 1928 - The Kellogg-Briand Pact is signed

    August 1928 - The Kellogg-Briand Pact is signed
    The Kellogg-Briand is an agreement that was signed. Allied countries agreed not to go on war to settle disputes. 11 years later, World War 2 began and Hitler was a part of breaking the pact.
  • October 1929 - Beginning of the Great Depression

    October 1929 - Beginning of the Great Depression
    The Great Depression occured in 1929 when the Stock Market Crash. It caused an economic crisis. Millions of people lost their jobs and were unemployed. This allowed Hitler and the dictator ruling Italy to take power.
  • September 1931 - Japan invaded Manchuria

    September 1931 - Japan invaded Manchuria
    Japan was experiencing economics crisis and invaded Manchuria for resources such as for coal and iron.
    This event proved that the League of Nations is ineffective, they failed to react to Japan's invasion.
  • January 1933 - Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany

    January 1933 - Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany
    Hitler was appointed Chancellor by President Hindenburg. Hindenburg was desperate to fix Germany's chaotic political climate.
    When Hitler gained control he begsn to rearm Germany's military and became a dictator.
  • October 1935 - Italy invaded Ethiopia

    October 1935 - Italy invaded Ethiopia
    Another example of the ineffectiveness of the League of Nations. It is when Italy invaded Ethiopia, their goal was to establish an empire and gain valuables.
  • November 1936 - Creation of the Anti-Comintern Pact

    November 1936 - Creation of the Anti-Comintern Pact
    A month later, Japan and Germany signed an anti-communist agreement. They fought communist countries.
    Soon, Germany, Italy, and Japan became united.
  • March 1936 - Germany reoccupied the Rhineland

    March 1936 - Germany reoccupied the Rhineland
    Germany occupied Rhineland when they weren't supposed to. They weren't supposed to because of the treaty that was signed "the Treaty of Versailles". The League of Nations did not stop Germany's reoccupation of Rhineland.
  • October 1936 - Creation of the Rome-Berlin Axis

    October 1936 - Creation of the Rome-Berlin Axis
    Germany and Italy signed an agreement. They supported each other, and because of that Axis Powers was created. It included Germany, Italy and their allies.
  • March 1938 - Germany’s anschluss with Austria

    March 1938 - Germany’s anschluss with Austria
    Germany was not allowed to become allies with Austria because of the Treaty of Versailles, but Hitler believed that Germany and Austria should be allies because they both are Germanic peoples. Germany then soon occupied Austria in 1938.
  • September 1938 - Signing of the Munich Agreement

    September 1938 - Signing of the Munich Agreement
    Hitler annexed Austria, he then wanted to annex Czechoslovakia. Hitler and Mussolini agreed with Britain and France to allow Hitler occupy the Germanic-speaking area, Sudetenland.
  • March 1939 - Germany occupied Czechoslovakia

    March 1939 - Germany occupied Czechoslovakia
    After the Munich agreement Germany invaded Czechoslovakia. Which was not a part of the agreement. Britain didn't respond.
  • August 1939 - Creation of the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

    August 1939 - Creation of the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
    Hitler is planning to occupy more of Europe, but he doesn't want the Soviet Union to get on the way. So, he decided to make an agreement with the Soviet Union to not fight each other. Soon in 1941 this agreement was broken by Germany.
  • September 1, 1939 - Germany invaded Poland

    September 1, 1939 - Germany invaded Poland
    Hitler made an agreement with Joseph Stalin to divide Poland between the two countries. Germans then invaded Poland. This violated the terms of the Munich Agreement.
  • September 3, 1939 - Britain declared war on Germany

    September 3, 1939 - Britain declared war on Germany
    After Germany's invasion of Poland, Britain declared war because they realized it had failed to maintain peace. It then when the Second World War began.