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Jumping Into History
The 26th Amendment
After a long debate that began during WWII, President Nixon signed the amendment passed around two months earlier.
Young men were denied the right to vote, even while fighting for their country. Hence, their slogan. Finally, they got that right.
Because of the 26th Amendment, 18-year-olds got to vote for their president.
I would've wanted to be there because I'm almost 18. Even though, I'll just miss the mark where I get to vote, other people will get to decide who our next president is. -
"Star Wars: A New Hope"
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... "Star Wars: A New Hope" was released on May 25, 1977, initially in 32 cinemas, after around four years of writing and production. The 18-month run ended on July 20, 1978, but was re-released and extended until August 15, 1979. It was re-released three more times.
With its speed and quality of production, Star Wars was way ahead of its time. George Lucas was originally going for a space western, specifically like the "Flash Gordon" TV series, but -
"Star Wars: A New Hope" continued...
it didn't turn out exactly how he expected.
Like I said previously, Star Wars was extremely advanced, and it really helped shape the way sci-fi movies are made today.
So why would I have wanted to attend? I LOVE Star Wars, and I think it would've been amazing to see the first release of such an advanced film. -
"Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" continued...
controversy (even though a good thing came out of it), I just would have wanted to see the first release of The Temple of Doom (that's my favorite one). -
"Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" continued...
When Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was released in theaters, in created controversy- over the rating. because of the PG rating, parents took their young children to see it, and were upset.
After finding out parents were upset, Steven Spielberg came up with the PG-13 rating, creating another group between PG an R, rather than grouping babies all the way up to 17-year-olds together.
Since then, there hasn't been much debate over the ratings of movies.
Setting aside the -
The Berlin Wall Falls
During the Cold War, Germany built the Berlin Wall as a means of separation. The German people were surprised and celebrated it.
After finishing in October of 1990, the countries were reunified. But that also led to the collapse of other East European regimes.
Because of said collapse, President Bush gave $4.5 billion to support the economic reform in Russia.
I think it would've been an amazing experience to see something that divided so many people taken down. -
The first episode released was "Where's God When I'm S-Scared?" It was created for young children to teach Bible stories and Biblical morals and keep them entertained.
Before VeggieTales, there weren't really any cartoons that taught kids about God like it did.
VeggieTales have been used as a means of teaching since then, in both homes and churches.
I've grown up watching VeggieTales, and I know it's made a difference. I would have loved to be there for the first release. -
"Left Behind"
"Studio C"
The first episode of the comedy sketch series, Studio C, was aired on 8 Oct. 2012. It was created by Jared Shores Matt Meese, a cast member.
Studio C explores the funny side of everyday life with with sketches like "The Crayon Song Gets Ruined."
Since it was first aired, there have been episodes and five specials, including a Christmas special.
I would have loved to see the first episode when it was first aired because I just discovered it not long ago, and I wish I found it earlier. -
"Studio C: Amateur Jumpshots"
"God's Not Dead"
God's Not Dead, directed by Harold Cronk, was released in theaters, starring Kevin Sorbo and Shane Harper.
It's about Christian college student whose faith is tested by his philosophy professor, and he stands up for what he believes in.
Since then , Christians have been encouraged to stand up for their beliefs when persecuted.
I actually didn't get to see the movie in theaters, but around a year later. I think it would've been more memorable if I had seen it right after its release. -
How will I change the world?
Anyone who knows me well knows I love to read and write. And I'm also very passionate about the things I believe in, whether it's just a small opinion or a big, life-changing decision. So for awhile, I've been thinking about becoming an author, to voice my values and put them in a story too.
With being an author, you're not always changing people's lives directly, so it's kind of hard to have a specific even, but I'm hoping to write something that will change multiple lives. -
How will I change the world? continued...
This might also not happen. God could have a completely different plan for my life. Right now, I think this is what I want, but by the time I'm out of high school, I might be called to do something else. As long as I'm doing what God wants me to, I'll be fine. No matter what, I'll be changing the world in some way.