Roman Conquest ( 200 - 100 B.C.E)
The Roman's conquested from 200 BCE- 100 CE. They conquered Central Europe, France, Britain, and Spain. The conquering of these counrties greatly influenced the Celtic Era. -
Qin Dynasty ( 400 - 300 B.C.E)
The Qin Dynasty was the most original of all the states during the Warring States Period. Their vulnerability is what motivated the political leaders to take risk. They were the first to practice the philosophy of legalism. -
Daoism (551 - 479 B.C.E)
Doaism is the alternative religion to Confucianism in the Chinese culture. Doaism focuses more on nature and does not believe in the glamourous lifestyle. -
Confucianism ( 551 - 479 B.C.E)
Confucianism is the religion named after the philosopher Confucias. It is the fundamental belief that family is the foundation of society. -
Jan 1, 600
Iron Metallurgy (600 B.C.E.)
The Chinese people are the first to use iron instead of bronze to make weapons, tools, and other objects considered necessary for everyday life. -
Jan 1, 1000
Celtic Era ( 1000 B.C.E - 50 CE)
The Celtic Era was located in what is now Europe. The Celtic society was divided into an elite class of warriors, professional groups of priest and bards, and commoners with no real form of government, -
Jan 1, 1045
Zhou Dynasty ( 1045 - 221 B.C.E)
The Zhou Dynasty suceeded the Shang Dynasty by overthrowing it. The Zhou Dynasty based it foundation on the princibles of Confucianism, Daoism, and the Mandate of Heaven. -
Jan 2, 1045
Mandate of Heaven ( 1045 - 771 B.C.E)
The Mandate of Heaven was a belief that believed if a ruler ruled in justice, peace, and was good to his subjects as well as listened to the Gods the country would be blessed in crops and other things. However if the ruler ruled selfishley then the country was left in distraught. This belief is suggested to have been practiced throughout the Zhou Dynasty. -
Jan 1, 1200
The Mesoamerican Olmec ( 1200 - 400 B.C.E)
The Olmec civilization is considered to be the most influential mesoamerican civilization. The center of the Olmec Civilition is said to have been located around the tropical Alantic Ocean in what is now present day Mexican states Veracruz and Tabasco. Throughout 1200 - 900 B.C.E the center was refered to as San Lorenzo by the Olmec. -
Jan 1, 1532
New Egypt ( 1532 - 1070 B.C.E)
New Egypt epanded and went from isolating other countries to opening up and trading with other countries. While expanding they destroyed kush and expanded their frontier to the fourth cataract. -
Shang Dynasty ( 1750 - 1045 B.C.E)
The Shang dynasty rose in 1750 B.C.E. The Shang Dynasty is known for being the dominant people in the earlisest of Chinese dynasties that we have records for. These records are written on Oracle Bones dated back to 1750 B.C.E. -
Hammurabi Code (1792 - 1750 B.C.E)
Hammurabi’sfamous Law Code was inscribed on a black stone pillar. The Law Code provided judges with alengthy set of examples illustrating principles to use in deciding cases. -
Caesar's Conquest ( 1958 - 1951 B.C.E)
Gaius Julious Caesar was a Roman general who conquered Gaul (present day France) from 1958 - 1951 B.C.E. Many historions believe that this is one of the best sources of information about Celtic society. -
Bronze Age ( 2000 B.C.E)
The Bronze Age refers to the time when Bronze was the primary metal. Bronze was used to build weapons and tools. Bronze also helped create long distance networks for trade. -
Xia Dynasty (2000 B.C.E)
The Xia Dynasty Originated around 200 B.C.E. However, due to the fact that there are little known artifacts and records not much is known about the Xia Dynasty. -
Warring States ( 481 - 221 B.C.E)
In the 2nd part of the Zhou dynasty occured the Warring States Period during 481-221 BCE. During the Warring States Period, different states in the dynasty went into combat against the central government causing the crash of the Zhou Dynasty. -
Chavin ( 900 - 250 B.C.E)
Chavin was the first major urban civilization in South America. They are also known for the domestication of llamas. -
Meroe ( 800 - 350 B.C.E)
Capital of a flourishingkingdom in southernNubia from the fourthcentury B.C.E. to the fourthcentury C.E. In this periodNubian culture shows moreindependence from Egyptand the influence of sub-Saharan Africa. -
Middle Egypt ( 2040 - 1640 B.C.E)
The Middle Kingdom of Egypt lasted from 2040 - 1640 B.C.E. During this time period Middle Egypt still prefered to be isolated from other countries. -
Cuneiform ( 2350 B.C.E)
Cuneiform was a system of writing used for Sumerian people to express their own language. The language has yet to be fully translated. -
Semites ( 2350 B.C.E)
The Semitic people had become politically dominant around 2350 B.C.E. From this time forward their language(Akkadian) dominated. -
Heiroglyphics ( 2500 B.C.E)
Heiroglyphics is the ancient writing of Egypt. Some but not all of the ancient heiroglyphics have been translated. Historians have traced the start of heiroglyphics to around 2500 B.C.E. -
Old Egypt ( 2575 - 2134 B.C.E)
This time period was from 2575 - 2134 B.C.E. The egyptions of this time did not like anyone from outside their kingdom and even found foriegn people and kingdoms to be nuisances. -
Indus River Civilization ( 2600 - 1900 B.C.E)
Indus River Civilization was a society that rised in 2600. It is mainely known for its 2 main cities. Their actual names are unknownso they are referred to by modern names: Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. -
Harrapa ( 2600 - 1900)
Site of one of thegreat cities of the IndusValley civilization of thethird millennium B.C.E. It waslocated on the northwestfrontier of the zone of cultivation(in modern Pakistan)and may have been a centerfor the acquisition of rawmaterials, such as metalsand precious stones, fromAfghanistan and Iran. -
Mohenjo - Daro ( 2600 1900 B.C.E)
Largest ofthe cities of the Indus Valleycivilization. It was centrallylocated in the extensivefloodplain of the Indus Riverin contemporary Pakistan.Little is known about thepolitical institutions of IndusValley communities, but thelarge scale of constructionat Mohenjo-Daro, the orderlygrid of streets, and the standardizationof building materialsare evidence of centralplanning. -
Sumerians ( 3000 B.C.E)
The peoplewho dominated southernMesopotamia through theend of the third millenniumB.C.E. They were responsiblefor the creation of manyfundamental elements ofMesopotamian culture, suchas irrigation technology,cuneiform, and religiousconceptions, taken over bytheir Semitic successors. -
Mesopotamia ( 3500 - 1500 B.C.E)
Mesopotamia was a society that was divided into three classes: free landowners and professionals in thecities, dependent peasants and artisans on rural estates, and slaves in domestic service. They feared their gods who they believed to be responsible for their weather and crops. -
Nubia ( 4500 - 350 B.C.E)
Nubia is the only continuously inhabited territory connecting sub-Saharan Africa (thelands south of the Sahara Desert) with North Africa. For thousands of years it has served as acorridor for trade between tropical Africa and the Mediterranean. Nubia was richly endowedwith natural resources such as gold, copper, and semiprecious stones. -
Neolithic (8000 - 2000 B.C.E)
The period of the Stone Age associated with the agricultural revolution. It follows the Paleolithic Period. -
Agricultural Revolution (8000 - 2000 B.C.E)
The change from food gatheringto food production that occurred between 8000and 2000 B.C.E. Also known as the Neolithic Revolution. -
Stone Age ( 8000 - 2000 B.C.E)
The time period where stone and nonmetallic materials were used to build weapons and shelters. This period also contained the Neolithic and Paleothic Age. The stone age was followed by the Bronze age and the Iron Age.