Julia's Idealistic Timeline

  • Julia's Birth

    Julia's Birth
    Today is the day that I was born.
  • Julia's Sixth Month Party

    Julia's Sixth Month Party
    Today We celebrated me being alive for 6 months.
  • Julia's Sixth Easter

    Julia's Sixth Easter
    Today is Easter and this year Julia got exactly what she wanted. Her favorite Easter.
  • Julia's First Day of Middle School

    Julia's First Day of Middle School
    Today Julia began adulting, Middle school was the best days of her school life.
  • Julia Became A Third Class Petty Officer in NJROTC

    After citing her orders of the century to the commander and entire class she was promoted.
  • Julia's 16th Birthday

    Julia's 16th Birthday
    Today Julia turned 16. The best Birthday she ever had.
  • Julia Graduates High School

    after 12 long years of going to school, Julia finally finds herself walking across the stage for her diploma.
  • Julia Graduates College

    After 6 long years of college, she finally graduates with her masters and a bachelor's degree.
  • Graduating Medical School

  • Julia Finds Out She's Pregnant

    Julia Finds Out She's Pregnant
    A special surprise is revealed to Julia. Her first child.
  • The Birth Of Julia's babygirl

    The Birth Of Julia's babygirl
    Ahm'Unique is born on this day.
  • Ahm'unique's 6 Month party

    today we celebrate unique's 6 months of living