
Jules Henri Poincare April 29, 1854 to July 17, 1912

  • Jules Henri Poincare Born April 29, 1854

    Poincare was born in Nancy. His father was a professor of medicine at the University of Nancy. His sister Aline was married to philosopher Emile Boutroux.
  • Analysis of Science

    He broke science down into 4 different categories. Verifiable, Indifferent, Natural and Apparent Hypothesis.
  • Poincare Science and Hypothesis 1902

    Poincare's thought is that everything has a sequential order and process that needs to be achieved to reach a goal. Poincaré says that “Such is the conclusion we will reach, but to get there, we must first review the sequence of sciences, from arithmetic and geometry to mechanics and experimental physics” (Poincaré 1902, 2017, 2)(Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmmgWcbAmjo
    This is a full reading of his book!
  • Introduction to Conventionalism

    Poincare wrote his thesis with a lot of influence from Kant's work. He discusses and debates on Euclidean and non- Euclidean space. The break down and discover that Geometry does not fit within Kantian work he created Epistemic category of convention. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPuOt0JUZBY
  • 1902 Geometry Language

    Poincare believed that all systems have the same geometric properties but have a separate language to define them. His discovery of the Non- Euclidean state created debate in the science community because it went against the Kantian viewpoint.
  • Resources

    Heinzmann, Gerhard and David Stump, "Henri Poincaré", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2017 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2017/entries/poincare/. Murzi, Mauro Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy,
    https://iep.utm.edu/poincare/ Ivanova, Milena Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Philosophers