Jude and MacBeth

  • Jude and Taryn are staying out of the way at the Court until Taryn convinces Jude to go explore

    They are susposed to stay away because they are human but Taryn wants to go. In this situation, Jude is being influenced by Taryn to do something that she doesn't really want to.
  • Lady MacBeth convinces MacBeth to kill the king

    Lady MacBeth thinks that MacBeth should kill the king because the witches said that he would be king so he should just make it happen which he does. Just like Jude, MacBeth is convinced to do something he doesn't really want to do
  • After Carden put dirt in Jude's food, Jude retaliates and puts things in Carden and his friends lunch

    Jude is scared of Carden and his friends but Jude still stands up for herself and Taryn. Jude also does this even though Taryrn does not want her to showing that she can make her own decisions and is not afarid.
  • Jude talks to Madoc about the summer tournament and wanting to be sleet into knighthood

    Madoc says that she is not ready and she is not a killer. This causes jude to be full of anger and she might not include Madoc in her future plans to get the power that she wants
  • MacBeth wants it easy

    MAcBeth wants people to be out of the way so that he can be king now and easy. This is the same as Jude because she wants Madoc out of the way so that she can become a knight
  • Lady MacBeth calls MacBeth weak

    Lady MacBeth calls MacBeth weak and not brave or manly enough to take care of the king. This is like when Madoc said that Jude was not ready to be a knight.
  • Jude, Taryn, and Vivi go to the mall

    At the mall some guy keeps bothering the three girls and finally Jude turns around and starts beating the guy up. This shows that Jude is not afarid and that she possibly has what it takes to be a knight.
  • Jude pushes Carden off of Taryn and Carden says he'll make her pay

    Jude is getting impatient and more frustrated with Carden and his friends even though carden might not have down anything to Taryn. Jude is beginning to only see things one way.
  • After the summer tournament

    Carden was mad because of what Jude did in the tournament and was going to make her beg for forgiveness in front of their whole class. Jude does the excat opposite and defies Carden again. Jude is beginning to not care about much anymore except for getting what she wants.
  • MacBeth sees everyone as a threat

    After MacBeth becomes king he starts to see everyone as a threat and is becoming ruthless about it.
  • Dain visits Jude at her house

    Dain was impressed with her skills at thhe tournament and her ability to lie so her offers her a spot on his court of spies. Jude can't resist this offer because she is finally getting some power and earning her way.
  • Jude's first mission

    All Jude cares about is completing this mission and hiding herself. Jude has kept all of this a secret from her family showing that she has no intentions of sharing her power should she get it. Also this shows that she wans to impress Dain so that she can get the power she wants.
  • The court of spies

    Jude meets the rest of the spies and they want her to train with them but Jude doesn'thave a lot of time. Jude agrees to trian with them at night still keeping it a secret from her family. This shows that she is determined to get the power she wants.
  • Jude starts to eat poison

    Jude wants to become invincible so she eats poison so that she can build up a strength against it. This shows that wans to be better than everyone else and will do whatever it takes.
  • MacBeth starts hiring murderers

    MacBeth is willing to kill everyone in his path to remain king which is like Jude eating posion because she wants to be untouchable.
  • Jude stabs Valerian

    Valerian was messing with Jude in the tower and Jude ends up stabing him. This shows that Jude is tired of everything and is willing to make it stop.
  • Jude tries to help the human

    Jude goes back to where her first mission was because she has another idea. While there she notices a human and wants to save her so she gets her out and eventually the human ends up dying. This shows that ud is trying to do to much and that she needs to just focus on herself and her missions.
  • MAcBeth says he will act on his own thoughts

    MacBeth is going to begin to act on his own thoughts and not the thoughts of others. Jude acts on her own thoughts throughout the whole story not thinking about others like when she tries to save the human girl
  • Jude kills Valerian

    After Dain had visited Jude about stabbing valerian in the tower and Dain making Jude stab herself, Valerian comes to Judes room at night and Jude ends up killing him. This shows that Jude is doing what she has to do even though Dain will be very mad at her.
  • MacBeth has Banquo and his son killed

    The witches said that Banquo's kids would be king so in fear of losing his power he had them killed but the son got away. Just like Jude, MacBeth is doing what needs to be done.
  • Jude has to kill with the Ghost

    Jude and the Ghost have to kill a messanger so that they can't deliver the message. Jude does not want to kil the person but she does so that she can remain in the court and get more power.
  • MacBeth wants MacDuff killed

    MacBeth went to the witches again and they said beware of MacDuff so he wants MacDuff killed so that he can remain in power. Jude killed so that she can remain in a spot to gain power while MacBeth killed so that he can remain king
  • The coronation

    Jude figures out what is going to happen but she could not get to Dain in time. Jude then tries to escape but runs into Carden and tries to help him get out to. This shows that even though Jude hates Carden she will still help him, she might be doing to much
  • Jude and the spies threaten Carden

    Jude takes Carden to the spies hideout where they all threaten to kill him if he doesn't cooperate. Jude might have actually been trying to protect Carden at the coronation but it was part of her plan. If she has Carden then she has power.
  • Jude returns home and doesn't tell of Carden

    Jude goes home to Madoc to see what Carden is worth to help decide what she wants to do with him. Jude now has power over everyone in Faerieland and has to figure out what she will do with it.
  • While home Jude finds out the truth about Oak

    Oak is Dain's kid that he sent away to allow him to be king. Jude finds out what people will do to have power and now that she knows about Oak, he can help her out.
  • MacBeth finds out about MacDuff

    MacBeth finds out that MacDuff was not born of a woman which ruins his plans. While Jude finding out about Oak helped her it relates because these changed the outcomes of the story a lot.
  • Jude's plan

    After a lot of thinking, Jude finally comes up with a plan that will help her get what she wants. She lets Carden in on the plan because he has a big role in it. This shows that Jude has come a long way since she is trusting Carden with her future.
  • Jude gets help

    Jude goes to Lord Roibien and Servin to gethelp with her plan. They agree to her plan without knowing the final outcome. She also gets Vivi's approval because it will help Oak. This shows that she is confident with her plan and she feels like she is getting closer to what she wants.
  • MacBeth thinks he can't be stopped

    MacBeth thinks he cant be stopped because of what the witches said and is confident even though MacDuff is coming. This relates to Jude because as she gets people to back up her lan she is getting more confident.
  • Jude's plan at the party

    At the party, Jude checks with Oak to make sure he is ready and then goes to Madoc. She poisoned bith of their drinks and then starts a fight. Madoc is out of the way because he was poisoned but Jude is fine because she eats it all the time. Back inside carden gets shot at and Balkien goes to protect Carden causing Jude to rethink that Balkien is bad. Jude then has Oak crown Carden as King. Jude got what she wanted and has power over Carden because he is in a spot where he doen't want to be.
  • The MacBeth's get what they want

    While this happens a lot earlier than with Jude, the MacBeth's do what needs t be done to get the power they want.