
By Aiden_S
  • 1700 BCE

    Abraham leads the Israelites to Canaan

    Abraham leads the Israelites to Canaan
    Abraham leads his followers to Canaan and this is why he is considered the father of judaism
  • 1250 BCE

    Moses leads the Jews out of egypt

    Moses leads the Jews out of egypt
    Moses got the Jews freed from the Egyptians and while escaping parted the red sea
  • 722 BCE

    Israel falls to invaders

    Israel falls to invaders
    After a few centuries Israel falls to invaders
  • 30

    Jesus was arrested

    Jesus was arrested
    Jesus was arrested in Jerusalem and sentenced to death by crucifixian.
  • 90

    Jesus feeds a crowd

    Jesus feeds a crowd
    Jesus fed a whole crowd with a few loaves of bread and a few fish Between 90 - 100 AD
  • 100

    Christina’s look to bishops

    Christina’s look to bishops
    Christian’s look to bishops for guidance.
  • 200

    Emperors feared Christian’s would cause unrest

    Emperors feared Christian’s would cause unrest
    Emperors banned Christianity
  • 622

    People invite Mohammad to move to their city.

    People invite Mohammad to move to their city.
    People living north of me a invite Mohammed to move to their city.
  • 632

    Muhammad dies

    Muhammad dies
    People accepted Muhammad and became muslims and he append away but his teachings kept spreading