
Juan Peron

  • Juan Peron is Born

    Juan Peron is Born
    Juan Peron was born on October 8th, 1895 in Lobos, Argentina. Peron was born into a modest family. In 16, being very athletic, Peron entered military school. He trained to be an officer.
  • Peron and Fascism

    Peron and Fascism
    As an attache to Chile Peron took a trip to a trip to Italy. There he observed fascism, from 1938-1940. Fascism is a form of ruling, similar to dictatorship, and was practiced by the Nazis.
  • Peron and the GOU

    Peron and the GOU
    When Peron returned to Argentina, in 1941, he join a secret military group called the Grupo de Oficiales Unidos. In 1943 he participated in a GOU coup government attempt to overthrow the civilian government. Peron took on the job of Secretary of Labor, and Social Welfare.
  • Peron and the President

    Peron and the President
    Peron popularity grew, and grew. He became a favorite of the President, Edelmiro J. Farrell. Juan Peron rose to power. He went from Minister of War, to Vice President from 1944-1945.
  • Attempt to Overthrow Peron

    Attempt to Overthrow Peron
    Juan Peron was popular among military rank-and-file, as well as the country’s laborers. In 1945 an attempt to squash Peron’s influence failed. Over broadcast, Peron reinforced his power.
  • Peron Gets Married

    Peron Gets Married
    Peron got married in 1945, to Eva Duarte Peron. Eva was an actor, but also a political partner. The two married just before Peron ran for President.
  • Peron for President

    Peron for President
    In 1946 Peron was elected president. Peron and his administration chartered a bold new economic path for Argentina. Peron offered a “Third Way” that wasn’t communism, nor capitalism.
  • Peron's Wife Dies

    Peron's Wife Dies
    Eva was an extremely popular actress. Using her fame she publicly supported her husband's causes. She died of Cancer, in 1952.
  • Peron is Forced Out of Office

    Peron is Forced Out of Office
    In 1955 Juan Peron was driven into exile by a confederation of military leaders. After residing in Paraguay, he then moved Madrid. Peron continued to exert political force, which aided the Peronist movement. These actions reclaimed the presidency.
  • Peron Dies

    Peron Dies
    In October Peron won a special presidential election. Peron slowly regained power. He died on July 1, 1974. His second wife Isabel held on to office, until a military coup removed her.