James II

  • Born

    James' II was born in London. His father was Charles II and he died on 6 February 1685
  • Period: to


    Charles died in 1685 from apoplexy after converting to Catholicism on his deathbed. Having no legitimate children, Charles was succeeded by his brother James, who reigned in England and Ireland as James II, and in Scotland as James VII.
    Guillermo III disembarked in England and, with the support of the parliamentary forces, snatched the throne to James II
  • Throne

    James II came to the English throne, upon the death of his brother King Charles II
  • Catholics laws

    Catholics laws
    James put an end to the laws that had prevend Catholics from practising their religion
  • Son

    Jame's wife Mary of Moderna, gave birth to a son, James edwar
  • Parliament

    More or less in 1698, Parliament was afraid of James' son becoming king, and so Catholicism would return to England
  • Death

    He died, victim of a brain hemorrhage, on September 16, 1701 at the castle of Saint-Germain-en-Laye, at 67 years of age