JQA Timeline

By masinct
  • Birth of John Quincy Adams

    Birth of John Quincy Adams
    John Quincy Adams was born in Braintree, Massachusetts. He was born into a very high class family with his father being president John Adams. His mother, Abigail Smith, being the second first lady of the united states.
  • John Quincy Adams travels to France

    At age 14 and because of his fluency in French John Quincy traveled to St. Petersburg as secretary and translator for Francis Dana. Being only 14, being a secretary and translator already showed high praise for John Quincy Adams. This was one of the first of many accomplishments by him.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    The Constitutional Convention was held in Philadelphia in March 1787. Delegates from all states met to discuss revisions to the Articles of Confederation. The convention lasted
  • George Washington Elected President

    George Washington Elected President
    George Washington was elected as the first President of the United States. Formerly being a general in the army, he was seen as a national leader and public figure. He was in office from 1789-1797. He also has one of the most important farewell addresses of any president thus far. He warned us not to have political parties, that they would kill the system and it is very apparent today that he was right.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The Revolution was lead by Napoleon, a radical who wanted change. The Revolution overthrew the monarchy, established a republic, experienced violent periods of political turmoil. It finally culminated in a dictatorship under Napoleon that rapidly brought many of its principles to Western Europe and beyond. It is thought the American revolution influenced the French to overthrew their government.
  • French King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette Executed

    The French leader Louis XVI was convicted for conspiracy with other foreign leaders and sentenced to death. Immediately one day after, he was killed by guillotine in in the Place de la Revolution in Paris. This act caused uproar showing their leader could not be trusted but was also a public message. Showing anyone who worked against the nation would be put to death.
  • JQA appointed minister of the Netherlands

    JQA was appointed minister on may 30th, 1794. Being a minister entailed working with other countries making and implementing decisions on policies in conjunction with the other ministers. Most ministers are considered to be apart of the presidents cabinet as well.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    These acts were written by President Adams. The acts made it harder for new immigrants to vote, and asked for deportation of foreigners.The acts were brought up by federalists to limit the opposition of the Republican party.
  • Birth of his first child, George Washington Adams

    George Washington Adams was the first child of John Quincy Adams and Abigail Smith. This was the first of three children from the Adams. George would be born in Germany and pass away in New York.
  • Napoleon becomes Emperor

    Napoleon becomes Emperor
    On this date Napoleon proclaimed himself emperor. He was the first french men to hold the title of emperor in a thousand years. He was handed the crown by Pope Pius VII and placed it on his own head.
  • Slavery Abolished in British Empire

    In 1783 the anti-slavery movement came about to abolish the slave trade in the British empire. After many years the parliament passed the Slave Trade Act of 1807. This abolished the Slave trade but not slavery itself. But it was vital in ending slavery overall.
  • Mexican Independence

    Mexican Independence
    The war of Mexican war for Independence ended in 1821 succeeding from Spain and forming New Spain. The idea behind war for independence arose form the 18th centuries ideas on enlightenment. The economic crisis mexico faced for the war to take action and attempt to fix the broken social, and economic structure.
  • Secretary of State

    Secretary of State
    Adams was appointed to Secretary of state under James Monroe. Being secretary of state he negotiated Canadian borders, the annexation of Florida, and drafted the Monroe Doctrine. Some of the biggest moves in US history were handled by Adams himself, most importantly the Treaty of Ghent. " John Quincy had been the most visible and most eloquent American diplomat in Europe for seven years and, like Monroe himself, had proved himself most skillful...posture (Unger 191).
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The compromise of 1820 was to keep the balance between slave states and free states. The tireless battle of pro-slavery anti-slaver in the US called for this document to be written. Missouri wanted to join as a slave state but it would be unbalanced to the free states so Maine was added to complete the compromise. " The Missouri Compromise seemed to settle America's future, and when James Monroe stood for reelection at the end of 1820, no one opposed him" (Unger 215).
  • Monroe Doctrine

    The Monroe Doctrine was a warning to Europe that the United States would not condone colonization or puppet monarchs. It also stated any attempt of colonization in North or South America would be seen as a threat. While also stating America will not intervene with European affairs.
  • JQA Elected President

    JQA Elected President
    The election of 1825 was between John Quincy Adams, and Andrew Jackson. It was the first election in history that was decided by the House of Representatives. Neither candidate obtained the 131 electoral votes needed. It was also the first election where the candidate with more electoral votes lost, while also being the first time the popular vote was recorded.
  • Trail of Tears

    The " Trail of Tears" was part of the Indian Removal Act put forth by Andrew Jackson. It required the Cherokee Indians to leave everything and push westward by law. traveling a long, and very harsh distance, the savagery of the act is where the name comes from.
  • US house of Representatives

    US house of Representatives
    Adams was elected into the house on March 4th. Being in the House, his job was to represent the 14th district of Massachusetts.serving for the last 17 years of his life with far greater acclaim than he had achieved as president. He was very vocal in the fight against slavery in his time. He was known to always fight for the common good during these years. " I walk on the edge of a precipice in every step I take (Unger 279). This was a quote by JQA himself, advocating in the House till his death.
  • Death of John Quincy Adams

    Death of John Quincy Adams
    Adams in 1848, collapsed on the House floor and immediately taken to the Speaker's Room. Two days later he ended up passing away. His final cause of death was a cerebral hemorrhage, or bleeding of the brain. He was eventually buried next to his mother and father and laid to rest.
  • Republican Party Formed

    The Republican was formed in Ripon Wisconsin. This was a vital part of history because the party is still in use today. The Republican party came about from talks with anti-slavery Whigs who felt the nation needed a new party.
  • Dredd Scott Decision

    Dredd Scott vs. Sandford was a crucial part of US history. It entailed that a "Negro" could not be an American citizen and therefore had no standing to sue in federal court. It also said and that the federal government had no power to regulate slavery in the federal territories acquired after the creation of the United States. Dredd himself was a slave that was taken into a free state and tried to sue for his freedom, but was overruled.